"But Dr—"

"LEAVE, ASTORIA!" He yelled impatiently, as she flooed away sobbing. "Good riddens."

How stupid of her, to cheat on him and get pregnant with another man. Then she had the nerve to come into his own house and ask for help, bitch! He only just hoped she was on her way to the burrow to fix this mess she'd caused. He only hoped the best for his friends Harry and Ginny. It would surely change things back at school.

He sighed, collapsing back onto the couch to distract himself from the tornado that was blowing its way towards the burrow right now. What a mess.

(Back at the burrow)

The Weasley family and Harry had been just finishing up cleaning the kitchen after a meal. Ginny and Harry were in the kitchen washing up dishes with the help of magic. They were in the middle of a deep conversation about their figure, when a figure popped in through the floo. Shocked, they turned around to see... Astoria greengrass? Why was she in tears?

Harry's eyes widened, about ready to throw up. He already sensed what was going on the second she popped out of the floo pregnant. Fuck.

"Harry, I need to talk to you..."

The whole Weasley family stared shock at the far along pregnant girl in their kitchen that they'd never seen. Ron's face went pale as he knew Harry had had intimate contact with her about the time she looked to have gotten pregnant by judging how far she was. Harry was turning a sickly pale green.

Ginny turned to Harry confused, gripping onto his hand. "Harry?"

"Just give us a second." Replied Harry to Ginny.

"No, I want to be in this conversation! I am your girlfriend!" She snapped nervously.

Harry sighed and ran his fingers over his throbbing temples. "I think it's best we do this in your room."

Astoria nodded, Ginny and Harry leading her upstairs. Ginny knew what was going on by the looks of things, but didn't want to believe it. She wanted to stay in denial to keep her heart from shattering. Harry didn't want this either obviously, she wished the girl would just go away before she could tell the truth.

They sat on Ginny's bed, looking at Astoria's widened stomach. Harry sighed again, egging Astoria to hurry and get it over with.

"Harry, I'm pregnant with your child. It was from May when I got pregnant, I was just too scared to tell you." She confused, Ginny's head falling in shame.

"Astoria! Why did you just decide to tell me this now, after Im in a deep relationship with Ginny! It's been 8 months and now you just decided to tell me?!" Asked Harry angrily. Ginny was sobbing now, she knew she and Harry couldn't be together if this child was his. He'd have to care for the child.

"I was scared, I thought it could do it on my own!"

"OBVIOUSLY YOU WERE WRONG!" he yelled back.

Both girls were sobbing and he felt like his world was over. He didn't want to be with Astoria, he wanted to be with Ginny, the girl he was in love with.

"Harry, please. I can't take care of this myself!"


"Excuse me, I've heard enough." Ginny sobbed as she excused herself from the room.

"Ginny!" Harry whimpered, his throat urging him to sob.

"Next month."

"NEXT MONTH? FUCK! ASTORIA, I-I-I CAN'T!" He sobbed loudly. "Why did you do this to me?"

"I didn't want to! I can't give the child up or I didn't want to abort him, and yes he's a boy."

Harry managed to calm down, falling back onto the bed nervously.

"I have to finish my last year of school, and then I can help you. I need school to get a job as head auror so I can financially afford this.. child.. and then I'll figure something out. God Astoria, I wish you would have told me, I really liked you then you know?"

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed again, hugging him. He sighed and hugged her back. It wasn't like he hated Astoria, they'd actually had something really deep back last year. It ended though when she'd just left out of no where. Now he knew why she did.

"It's okay, we can figure this out together. I obviously need to break up with Ginny, although I expect she wants the same."

"Yes, please do what you need. I'm going to head home, you and I can owl while you're at Hogwarts and I'll tell you about the baby."

"What's going to be his name?"

"I wanted you to decide that." She said with a smile.

"James Sirius Potter."

She smiled and nodded. "That's an excellent name. I've really got to get going. We will talk more soon."

"Right, I'll walk you out and help you down the stairs." Harry replied with a smile. It turned to a frown opening the door and hearing Ginny sob in the kitchen.

Ginny was mortified. She thought she and Harry would end up married one day with three kids, somewhere in Scotland in a manor. No, instead a girl from the past came and announced she'd gotten pregnant before they were together. She wasn't mad at Harry at all, it wasn't his fault he didn't know. That girl though, she deserved hell. She scowled as Astoria flooed away, turning to Harry with a frown.

"I'm afraid this is the end of us." Stated Ginny, Harry sobbing now.

"I never wanted this, I wanted you. I wanted to marry you. Life is so unfair!" He cried into her shoulder. She nodded in agreement, ignoring her family that was staring at them both with looks of sorrow.

"You and I will always be friends, Harry. Our bond is unbreakable. It just makes me curious, what if I never find anyone else?" She cried back. "No one is going to love me like you!"

Harry flinched and shook his head. "Ginny Weasley, don't ever say that about yourself! Any man would be lucky to have someone as brave, strong, beautiful, and smart as you. I'm sure you'll find a guy better than me out there who you can have kids with and live in Scotland, who will love you until you're old and wrinkled." He said through laughing tears.

She laughed and sniffed.
"You really think so?"

"I know so."

"Just promise me something, we will always be friends?"


They both smiled sadly and ended their embrace. They knew the Weasley's had easily picked up what was going on, and turned to the crowd with frowns. They were more concerned for Harry. He'd been through so much already, and now this. Life doesn't give the kid a break. Molly knew he wasn't ready to be a dad, he was just a boy still. She wanted to curse the girl.

Harry just wondered how he'd manage a child from school and work after words. He'd have to figure something out and fast.

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