This is a nightmare! (Ichigo KurosakixReader)

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“ahhhhhhh” I said as I let out a big sigh. “someones been tired lately, ahaha” teased Tina. 

Tina was my best friend, she has been with me since as long as I remembered!

“ahahah! yep! so much homework” I complained as I place my head on my desk. 

Facing Tina as she talked, I noticed a bright orange haired boy walking in. Growling silently to myself I mumbled Ichigo Kurosaki. 

“huh?” Tina leans close to my face, scanning my expression. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “huh? oh no continue” I said cheerfully. Shooting a death glare at Ichigo I quickly look back to Tina and listened to her.

Ichigo Kurosaki, a man I absolutely despise! He is so laid back and always skip class. How does he get the top grades?! I work so hard and I’m still always a step behind him. Plus he isn’t that good looking but every girl drools over him. Humph! He isn’t cute plus his attitude and voice makes me want to burn him. Urgh!! He pisses me off!!

It’s after school now and I’m heading home and imagining the ice cream tub waiting for me in the freezer. Even just the thought of it alone made me drool. Being occupied in my own thoughts I didn’t realise but I’m home! 

“Im home” I said as I took off my shoes and entered my house. “odd, mum isn’t home. probably buying dinner” I told myself. 

I quickly chuck my bag on the couch and ran to the tub of ice cream in the freezer. I take a big spoon and place myself on the couch in front of the tv. Yes I know I’m lazy, but hey its Friday. I've been watching movie marathorns when a knock was echoed through out the house.

"im coming" I  yelled. 

Opening the door with a mouth full of ice cream in my mouth, expecting to see my mum but it wasn't her. Tall figure and orange hair, Ichigo. I slammed the door and watched from the little hole. 

"what's he doing here?How did he know I live here?" questions began popping in head like popcorn.

"I'm living here from now on" he explained.

"wait..what...HES LIVING HERE!!!!!! OH HELL NOOOOOO NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOOOOOOOOOO" I said silently pulling my hair out as my ears consumed the sentence that came out of his mouth.

Narrator: Just how did this situation come upon you? Why is the man you want to kill saying he's living with you now? We will find out~


I look through the hole in my door to see him standing there still waiting for me to open the door. 

"if you let me in I will explain things to you" he said as if knowing I'm watching him on the other side.

I reluctantly open the door and allowed him to enter my home. I showed to the dinner table and he sat across from me.

"in short we are siblings." he explained. "WHA-" my shock was cut short by his continuation " our parents remarried and our mother is now living in my house. There wasn't enough room in the house so she asked me if I wanted to live at her place. She said she had a daughter that's pretty lonely at home and would enjoy the company." he explains in further detail.

I laughed hysterically at the joke he made. But my tone completely change as I shooed him away and locked the door.I run to the phone and called my mum.

"hello?" "hello mum?" "yes dear?" "is ichigo my brother?!" i said straight out. "ahaha yes dear" said my mother happily.  "oh i see ok then" i answer sadly. I turn off the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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