Prefects: Year 5/Summer

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Weasley's smile faltered.

"Not a really good one! Just -- just a new one for a change..." Ron added quickly, waving his hands.

There was a moment's hesitation, and she smiled again, "Of course you can... Well, I'd better get going if I've got a broom to buy too. I'll see you all later... Little Ronnie, a prefect! And don't forget to pack your trunks... a prefect... Oh, I'm all of a dither!"

Mrs. Weasley gave him one last kiss on the cheek and disappeared from the room, still murmuring happy little phrases under her breath.

"You don't mind if we don't kiss you, do you, Ron?" Fred asked sweetly.

"We could curtsy, if you like," George added sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up," Ron scowled at them.

"Or what? Going to put us in detention?" Fred goaded, a bright gleam in his eyes.

"I'd love to see him try," George snickered.

"He could if you don't watch out!" Hermione burst out angrily, and the twins burst out laughing.

"Drop it, Hermione," Ron muttered half-heartedly.

"We're going to have to watch our step, George, with these two on our case..." Fred trembled dramatically, eyes wide.

"Yeah, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over," George sighed dramatically, and they Disapparated into their room with a loud crack.

"Those two! Don't pay any attention to them, Ron, they're only jealous!" Hermione fumed, glaring up at the ceiling that did little to muffle the gales of laughter coming from the twins.

"I don't think they are," Ron replied, frowning at the ceiling. "They've always said only prats become prefects... Still, they've never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose... She'll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there's the new Cleansweep out, that'd be great... Yeah, I think I'll go and tell her I like the Cleansweep, just so she knows..."

And Ron disappeared from the room. Harry turned away from them, packing away his robes into his trunk quietly.

His jaw was tight. Amisty's eyebrows furrowed.

"Harry?" Hermione shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, sensing the tenseness in his posture.

"Well done," Harry smiled, but it felt flat. "Brilliant. Prefect. Great."

"Thanks. Erm -- Harry -- could I borrow Hedwig so I can tell Mum and Dad? They'll be really pleased -- I mean, prefect is something they can understand -- " She explained, wringing her hands.

"Yeah, no problem. Take her!" Another flat smile as he dug around in his trunk.

The two of them traded looks, and Hermione went off to go call Hedwig from where she was perched on top of the wardrobe.

'I've got it,' Amisty mouthed as Hermione sent another concerned glance in Harry's direction.

'Are you sure?'

She nodded and Hermione left the room, closing the door with a soft click behind her.

"Hey," She walked over to where he was kneeled, crouching down next to him, "everything okay?"

He smiled wanly, "Can't hide anything from you, can I?"

She gave a small laugh, "Nope. I've known you for this long, practically lived with you. What's up?"

"I just -- I thought -- " He took a deep breath, shaking his head. "I guess I thought, maybe, if anyone was going to be a prefect that... well..."

"That it'd be you," Amisty finished, nodding.

His face screwed up miserably.

She sighed, "You know, Harry, if I were you I would've expected it, too, with all the hero crap you get yourself into. But there's bound to be a reason why you weren't picked, right?"

"I guess..."

"It's the first time Ron -- he -- it's the first time he's beaten you, Harry," She hated the words the second they left her mouth but there was no taking them back. "The first time he's done something you haven't. The best thing you can do is just... be supportive of him? Even with," She waved her hand, "you know."

He nodded, getting up from the floor as she buried her face in her palms.

"I'm so bad with words," She groaned, voice muffled. "Sorry."

Harry laughed, sounding much less like he was hiding his bad mood, "You're right, though, Am. Thanks, I needed that."

"Can't hide anything from me, remember that!" She grinned, straightening his glasses and turning to the door, her hand just hovering over the doorknob. "And just to remind you, I'm not a prefect either, so we can be lonely together."

"You can't be lonely together," He argued, green eyes sparkling.

"It's called an oxymoron," She countered.

He blinked, looking faintly offended, "Excuse me?"

"It's a grammar thing."

"Where'd you ever learn that?"

Amisty grinned, shaking her head and opening the door, "I've been roommates with Hermione for most of the summer and you're asking me that?"

"I mean... I went to a Muggle school and I still have never heard that word in my entire life," He replied.

"You went to a Muggle school until you were eleven," She pointed out.

"So did Hermione!"

"Yes," She nodded, stepping out the door. "But out of the two of you, I think Hermione was the one who paid more attention in English class, judging by how you spend your time in all of our classes at Hogwarts."

"History of Magic is boring!" He protested indignantly.

She snorted, calling back to the cracked door, "By that logic, so is Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

"I do pay attention... most of the time."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Harry."

SUPER sorry about the late update, we lost power and with it lost our wifi from all the wind so I couldn't work OR post anything and I'm really sorry about that

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SUPER sorry about the late update, we lost power and with it lost our wifi from all the wind so I couldn't work OR post anything and I'm really sorry about that. But to be fair we're still on filler until we reach Hogwarts so it's not too bad. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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