1. We'll meet again

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Before I was even born my life was laid out for me I'd been trained in different ways like fighting,shooting,hacking,etc.

So I've been highly trained in many different ways for as long as can remember but at the same time I act and live like a normal person that went to college during the day and a child in a mafia at night. So the hole double life thing which turned to be really easy after a while.

In my college cafeteria-

"Really Your always busy Y/n" one of my friends say

"What do you expect maya I'm the daughter of one of the richest men in basically the world he is on the top ten list" I shrugged leaning back and stared eating my salad

"You are so lazy Y/n how do you stay in shape you basically only eat and read all day?"maya said shaking her head in disapproval

"It's a secret" I smirked and put my index finger on my lips

"I hate you"

"Love you too"

"So I'm guessing we can't sleepover like usual Y/n?"my other friend said sitting down with her tray

"Nope Sorry Mina I'm busy tonight like any other night"

"What do you even do every night?" Mina asked

"....I already told you that it's classified" I said

"Sorry Y/n I forgot" she bow her head lightly

"O stop it yes I'm rich but stop being so polite I already get all of that at home you guys are my friends not my maids or butlers nor chefs etc " I flicked her forehead

"Dang you're spoiled" their eyes widened

I sighed "Well let me say once you have it, it can be annoying" they both nodded

That night-

"You ready hun?" Mum Said getting ready

"As always" I tightened my ponytail

"Well get in the car your father should be in it already" I nodded and walked into the garage

"You ready for the mission yet?" He smiled

"Heck yeah" I smiled back and got in the car

The mission went as usual we got there and made the trade with the shady people than they tried to turn there backs on us by shooting at us we killed them and took back our money and the weapons and the rest of the stuff

The next day-

"Miss L/n your father and mother would like to see you"

"Okay thank you" we bowed to each other

In my parents office-

"You wanted to see me?" I closed the door and sat down

"Yes hun" my mum said

"We want you to spy on a group" I raised an eyebrow at my fathers words

"And they are"I crossed my legs

"Bangtan boys" I hummed

"What do you want me to do to them I know you don't want me to just spy on them,come on there seven boys"

"Well I want you to just spy on them we already know your great in action but we haven't really got to see you being in the background your undercover action"

"Okay" I sighed

"Great you start today" I got up and grabbed there file

"I get a tattoo out of this tho" I Said looking threw the information

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