Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I didn’t know whether I should be upset or pleased, but I was too tired to care. Actually, I was also too fuzzy to care. I managed to make my way to the bed, set my alarm, crawled in without even removing my make-up or brushing my teeth, and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Of course to be woken up roughly 6 hours later by the alarm. Wow. Those drinks really made me have bad morning breath. Eeew. I scrambled to get my ass in the shower, which was quite convenient as at the exact same time that I decided to get in the shower, my stomach decided to protest against all the alcohol abuse from the night before. Great way to wake up, I can assure you. Not bothering too much about where to be sick, I ended up on my knees in the shower, heaving like a madwoman. Hmmm. Glad Antonios isn’t here to witness this…

As the memories from the night before rushed back to me, I couldn’t help but smile at the unexpected turn of events. He really was a very charming, handsome man, and he didn’t take advantage of me. I probably would’ve been useless anyway, but it was nice to know that he didn’t cross any boundaries that I might have regretted crossing the next morning…

After a rather long shower, I made my way to the breakfast buffet in the restaurant, following the wonderful smell of fresh coffee, toast, sausages and bacon. There weren’t many people around at this time yet, so I didn’t feel so bad about eating three plates of breakfast. Those English people definitely know how to have breakfast like a king… With a fresh cappuccino in my hand, I made my way back to my room, to find a small bouquet of white roses waiting for me at the door, with a card attached to it. Getting everything into my room, I sat down and read it.

‘Thanks for a wonderful evening Shawna.

I would love to spend many more like these, but by the time you read this, I am travelling to Greece for a family emergency.

I hope we will meet again.

-X- Antonios…’


My mood changed from perky happy bubbly yet hung over, to sad and hung over. I have to admit that the flowers were beautiful, but I was quite pissed that I wouldn’t see Antonios again shortly.  I would like to get to know him a lot better… Or was that opinion just based on my intoxicated evening, where things always seem to be better when it’s dark and you’re drunk? On top of that, my stomach decided that having three plates of breakfast really was too much, so I found myself emptying the contents again, this time in a small bin that was in my room. No, I didn’t make it to the bathroom in time. Yes I know, I should be able to do that but it’s not as if I’m an expert in throwing up now, am I?

Double crap.

I called George saying that I would come to the office later and would take a taxi, so I could crawl back into bed and get over my jetlag. He didn’t seem to be surprised and told me to drink loads of water and take my time. The jetlag story worked… I am such a wimp. I suppose the combination of alcohol, jetlag, heart break and no sex were really getting to me. I found my way back to bed, this time after brushing my teeth, and fell into a feverish dream. I was speed-dating with almost every man I knew. Bleh. There was even my old neighbor who I always assumed to be well into his nineties but he still walked his dog every single day around the block. Three times. No not three times around the block in one go, he walked his dog three times per day… Oh, and my history teacher. He was cute though. The speed dating turned into a miss world competition for men. So mister world I suppose… I enjoyed the swimsuit part, even though for some reason this was won by the guy in the Fish&Chips restaurant from yesterday. Seriously, not a pleasant sight, even though it was only a dream… I woke up all sweaty, with a rather high fever, a giant headache, a runny nose and blocked sinuses… Hmmm… This wasn’t normal hangover material… Looking in the mirror after yet another dash to the toilet bowl, I noticed that I looked incredibly pale, had absolutely no idea what was left or right, and I needed to sit down and get some water in me… I called George again, and informed him that I must’ve caught some bug or virus, would take the rest of the day off and I would see him and Samuel after the weekend.

Not exactly a great start of my career in the UK but I couldn’t help feeling very sick and tired.

I spent most of the day in bed, ordered some fruit salad for lunch, which immediately sought the nearest escape route out of my stomach, so instead I ordered some porridge (which was the recommendation from the cleaning lady who thankfully was very sympathetic about my condition) I didn’t really like the porridge but at least I didn’t throw up afterwards. Which would be weird as it would look exactly the same going out as it looked going in. Disturbing thought.

Most of the Saturday was spent asleep, and even though the porridge was getting awfully boring, it did help me getting some energy into my body. Loads of tea helped as well, although these British people make an awfully strong ‘cuppa’… you could probably make a few gallons of tea from just one cup, that’s how strong it was. Every time I ordered, I asked them not to put the teabag in the teapot, so I could do it myself (and take it out after 3.2 seconds)  Now, I have to admit, I was feeling a bit better but my head was blocked with snot, I didn’t feel like opening my eyes most of the day, and I really didn’t want to move as this just made my head hurt. So when someone knocked at my hotel room in the evening, I groaned about having to get up. I mean, it wasn’t housekeeping as they had the keys. It wasn’t room service as I didn’t order any. And I doubted it was worth getting up for, but I wasn’t really thinking straight so I got up anyway and opened the door…

‘Good evening Shawna…’

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