Lunch date pt2....

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Narrators pov

After hoseok had parked the car, both boy's
got out and headed to the restaurant were a nice looking man in a white shirt, tie and suit bottoms and shoes stood.

Hoseok walked up to the little stand outside. "Table for two hoseok" He said to the man in a soft tone as he rubbed jins back snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Ah yes here we are right this way" the young man guided hoseok and jin inside the restaurant where a waiter would take then to their Table.

It was a nice looking restaurant glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling; colourful painted walls with various picture frames on them it was kind of fancy.

And let's just say if it wasn't a Thursday and it was not casual evening wear Jin and hoseok would have looked ridiculous from the way they were dressed.

The waiter sat them at a small booth in the far corner in the back. "Sooooo" hoseok sighed out. Jin looked up at him "what's up" Jin spoke as he opened the menu his eyes widening as he saw the price of the food. "Hoseok" he whisper shouted "I can't let you pay for this" hoseok smiled softly "it's okay I just got paid anyway"

Jin smiled back "o-okay"

Hoseok's pov

I could sense something was up with Jin he never spoke and when we did it was in small words or sentences. He wasn't his cheery self he didn't even make one dad joke. Seriously whats wrong with him.

I look up at Jin after hearing a small whine escape his mouth 'is he' I thought in a panic. 'what if there's something wrong'

"Jinnie baby are you okay?" I ask in a soft tone smiling at the raven haired boy across from me "h-hoseok I'm not l-little" Jin stuttered out. "Are you sure" I say with a concern look on my face.

"What happened jin you can tell me?" he looks up from fiddling with his fingers a slight pout on his face "do I have to" he let out hardly audible with all the chattering going on around us.

"Yes Jin If somethings happened you gotta tell me" I said this time in a serious time. He sighed "o-okay b-but don't be m-mad" I cooed at the sight of the sad looking boy he's so cute

I nodded in response before another sigh left his mouth and he sat up straight. "Da-daeun"

Narrators + Jin pov

*Hour earlier*

"Well long time no see jin" Jin dropped his keys on the floor when He heard that frightening voice, his body all stiff "why can't I move" I mumble as I hesitantly turn around wishing I hadn't.

"D-daeun ho-w-what are you doing here?" mentally Jin Scold himself for stuttering punching his chest A few times. "baby are you not happy to see daddy" jins eyes widened leaving daeun to chuckle a little.

Jin scoffed "are you kidding me right now how in the lords name, don't aren't you happy to see daddy, you left me bleeding out crying none stop for your dumbass?" Jin breathed in deeply trying to control the tears that threatened to fall, smiling a little as Hoseok popped into his head. "oh and By the way i have a new daddy/boyfriend who is better than your unfaithful ass"

Jin turned to pick up his keys crouching down beside the car weal were he dropped them. As he raised up he felt a pair of roughy hands wrap around his waist and turn him round.

"Aww baby? don't act like you don't miss me" daeun gripped jins waist pulling him closer their faces only inches away from each other.This brought rage to jin, his face turning a dark crimson colour as he looked slightly up at the older.

"You piece of shit" Jin practically growled as he pushed daeun unaware of his strength he had did it with but couldn't careless, daeun fell to the floor make a loud thud sound 'that's gotta hurt'.

Jin didn't hesitate to laugh a little before jumping in his car while the older was still on the ground rubbing at his slightly wounded lower back.

As soon as Jin got in the car he put the key in, started the engine and hit the gas as he speeded down the road leaving a baffled daeun on the cold wet groumd.

Narrators pov

Hoseok was in shock 'how the hell does this guy sleep at night' hoseok thought. Well it wasn't that big of a deal to be honest it's not like he hurt him in any way physically? no emotionally? yes. He brought back all sorts of unwanted memories that Jin tried to have kept locked up.

As a tear rolled down his beautiful pale chubby checks remembering that one awful and revolting memory Jin sweared he would take to his grave.

Jin felt a hand in his thigh he looked up at hoseok gave him a reassuring look. Both boys staring into both of their brown-chocolatey orbs smiling at one another, well jin tried and hoseok could see that.

But oh well all slightly good moments should come to a end. The waiter came up with two plates of food smiling down at hoseok as she winked at him as she placed the food on the table moving a bit closer to hoseok, putting her fake boobs in his face, the elder raised his eyebrows coughing loudly.

The girl turned round grinning at Jin. "Are you okay sir do you need anything?"she smiled faking that small innocent tone in her voice.

"Umm yes actually?" "and that would be" "to get your nasty hoe ass and fake boobs out of my boyfriends face before I get up and beat yo ass" she snickered at Jin rolling her eyes looking at Hoseok winking at him before walking away, the younger just scoffed.

Hoseok burst out into a fit of laughter which cause jin to join in earning nasty glares from other tables because the absolutely loud couple destructed them.

"Come on lets eat and get out of here....and~nevermind lets just finished" Jin smiled his eyes turning into crescents. He picked up his chop sticks and began to eat...

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