I say, and she heads towards the kitchen and grabs me a cool glass-looking cup filled with coke and a straw.

''Thanks, so where is everyone tonight?"

I ask curiously. 

''Well another mile up, there's an even better Mexican restaurant and of takes business away from us."

she admits, with half a frown.

''That sucks.'' I say sympathetically.

actually I'm thinking, hell yes! because, I like the piece and quiet.

''Do you know what you're going to get?" she says, breaking the silence.

''Well, I'm not sure quite yet but I'll let you know when I am.

'' I tell her as she walks off to seat another customer. 

As I look closer, it almost looks like Niall. Hell, it is Niall. 

He notices me looking at him and walks towards me with the waitress. is he coming to sit with me?

this is odd, why would he go here instead of the one up the road? .....Oh yeah.

It is a good idea I suppose since no one would be here to trample him. 

Next thing I know, he sits down on the seat right in front of mine, at my table. 

That waitress can't seem to wipe the grin off her face. 

''Hey, its you again.'' I say and he looks up from the menu.

''Yeah, I followed you here.'' he says with the biggest grin...What?

''Ha, Ha why?" I say as my heart quickens.

I am sure I am dreaming. ''Because, I want to get to know you?''

Me!? he wants to get to know me!? I'm just another girl, no goddess.

''Really? first you kiss me and now you actually want to get to know...me?" 

I say with a noticeable stutter. This can't be real? can it?

''Yes, I do. You're really beautiful and I didn't get to talk long with you earlier.'' he says. 

He thinks i'm beautiful!? since when does Niall ever go on dates..or even hit on girls?

I find my self tearing up. Again.

''What's wrong lass?" he says in his deep Irish accent.''I just. I can't believe you're here."

*Niall's POV *

She gorgeous to me, I had to chase her down here. 

Especially after that kiss.

Wasn't wrong when I said I would kiss a fan. 

But this girl is more than a fan to me, I'm falling for her instantly. 

I wonder what she feels. 

Because, I think after all these years, I've finally found my princess.

''What would you two like to order?"

the waitress asks. 

she looks at me than her. 

''What would you like Ariana?" I think that's her name. 

''Well, first off that isn't my name and I would like the taco salad with ranch on the side please.''

the waitress chuckles, than looks at me.''And for you?" she says.

''the same.'' I didn't really have time to decide what I want, but whatever she's getting sounds really good.

''Okay is that it then?" she says.

I actually forgot something. ''Oh wait, miss!'' I call as she comes back to our table.''Yes?"

''Sorry but I forgot. Do you sell beer here?" I ask.

''No, but we have delicious margaritas.''

''Okay I guess I'll get whatever that is.'' I give in.

as she walks off I look back into this girls pretty green eyes.

''They're a Mexican fruity drink, but with tequila in them.''

She tells me.

''Oh, are they good?"

''They're really good.'' she says with a sure answer.

''And by the way, my name is Adrianna."

''hah, I'm bad with names.''

"I can see that.'' 

''So, you heard of Derby County?"

''Uh, no.'' she says with a weird look.

''It's me favorite football team.''

''I hate football.'' what? well, at least she's honest.

''So where are the rest of your British boys?"

ha, I love how she said that.

''Back at the hotel playing Fifo.''

''How long will you be here in Denver?" forever. I wish.

''Uh, we're here the whole summer.''

''You are? I thought you were touring all of America.''

''No,  we had a contest for cities all around the world. ''


''A contest for which city funded the most money for homeless and animal shelters. 

And the city that funded most, got One Direction to play a concert each week for the whole summer.''

''wow, I didn't even know. that's amazing.''

I'm glad, this is gunna' be the best fucking summer of my life.

I think I'll be driving that ice cream truck in her neighbor hood more often.  




( end of chapter 3. tehehe, comment and vote please.)
Roses are red violets blue, if you don't love Niall, there's something wrong with you.
That boy is amazing, he's close to perfection. Without Niall Horan there's no One Direction.

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