Monica and Chandler exchanged a look, disappointed to see her parents aren't really paying atenttion to her boyfriend at all (which they have no idea about yet).

"Let's have a sit", Monica suggested after her mom pulled away from her hug with Alycia.

The other friends started a conversation on their own as Monica and Chandler talked with the two Gellers in the living room. Eventually, Chandler was back with the group, grabbing Alycia by the arm to take her near the balcony window to talk.

"Whoa, we have secret talks now?", Alycia asked. "Oh! Is this you asking me how to propose?! I've always wanted to be that friend her other friend ask for proposal advices!", she added, whispering the last part so no one would hear.

Chandler gave her a weird look. "Why would I think this is the right place and time to talk about something like that?".

"It makes it less suspicious...right?".

"Okay, I take my first question back. There's one more important", he quickly said. "Why would you think I want to get married? Having a girlfriend is already terrifying to me!".

"Fine, drama queen", Alycia snapped back. "What happened then?".

"Did you know Monica's parents hate me?".

Alycia stared at him for a second, unsure of what to say. "See, I feel like I should say I didn't know".

"You knew?", he said in disbelief.

"Well, Ross told me once when we were in college", Alycia shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me?", he insisted. "Worst best friend ever!".

"I am not the worst best friend ever!", Alycia said in a hurt tone.

"I know. I love you", Chandler quickly replied, sighing. "I'm just upset. I'm sorry".

"I didn't told you because I didn't think it was such a big deal", she replied. "It's not like they still hate you, right?".

"Well, they don't know I'm dating Monica. She didn't tell them because, yeah, they still hate me".

"Damn. What did you do?".

"If I knew I wouldn't have taken the time to have this conversation!".

"Well, first of all, you gotta stop using that tone with me", Alycia started in a warning tone, faking a smile. "And second, whatever it is, it was a very shitty thing to do if they still hate you", Alycia stated the obvious, patting his shoulder before getting back to where everyone was.


"Aw, look at you! Putting dirty plates in the sink without someone having to get mad at you to do it", Alycia joked at the sight of Joey helping with the dishes. "Before you know it, you might do the laundry one day".

"You're asking too much from me, woman", Joey joked back. He put the last dish on the sink, walking closer to her to hug her, kissing the top of her head. "I'm so happy we're living together".

"Yeah, what took you so long?", she said, making him laugh. "It is really nice, though", she added, still hugging him. "I'm happy, too".

"Hey, what do you guys think?", Rachel asked them since they were next to her on the kitchen. "Isn't it beautiful?".

"Yeah, what is it?", Joey asked, looking the already finished dessert.

"It's a trifle", Rachel replied. "It's got all of these layers. First, it's a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard- which I made from scratch, then raspberries, more ladyfingers, then beef stuffed with peas and onions, then a little more of custard, then bananas and then I just put some whipped cream on top".

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