Chapter 2:

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Authors Note:

Hey, second chapter, so sorry I  haven't updated. Just been stressed with school. I hope you like this, just hold on till the next chapter. It's going to have some fighting scenes, thank you so much for the beautiful cover.

Chapter 2:

It turns out I was right, this day couldn't get any slower!

Right now, I was in maths. Playing with my rubber pretending it was a skateboard. Mr Pucket walks over to my desk with irritation clearly showing, on his old greasy face.

"Clover, what are you doing?"

"Playing with my rubber, pretending it's a skateboard see." I did a trick with my rubber, the class erupts into laughter.

"You should be paying attention!"

"Well here's the thing, whether I pay attention or not. It won't make a difference, I still dont get it." I smirk.

Just because he is the deputy principal doesn't mean he has to be an ass.

He mumbles something un-intelligent under his breath. His gives me one last glare and continues his boring lesson.


"Finally! School is over." I stretch my arms in the air.

"Hey Clover, I heard what happened in maths. I swear he has a vendetta against you. Remember that time when he was our relief teacher and you were sitting next to the Italian exchange student. Obviously he  saw you staring and he annouces to the whole class. "Stop eyeing Mr Pierce," and you sassed back, "Well I can't help it! He is gorgeous!" She giggles, I blush hard knowing that it just slipped out.

"Hey, word travels fast. Don't even talk about it, it was way too funny his face though. I just don't even know, I do nothing wrong. Maybe it's because I get more then him," We both look at each other and laugh.

"Yeah totally Miss Virgin Mary, you haven't got any."

"Like you have either," I wink getting her there.

"Well..." Here gaze scatters to the left and she laughs nervously.

"What! Tina, since when?"

My phone vibrates in my pocket, I pocket my phone out and my heart races at the message in excitement:

Come to the agency now please. I have a assignment for you, their is someone I want you to meet.


Mara is the boss, so she sets me up with my assignments.

"I gotta go, sorry see you tomorrow in this hellhole. You better tell me how you lost it, you little hoe." I hug Tina and drive off to the agency.


I walk through the doors of the agency, it just seems like a normal clothes shop. But, once you put your hand on the side of the elevator a key pad appears and I place the code it opens to the agency.

It is absolutely gorgeous, when I first joined the agency I was in absolute shock.

The modern looking decor is the highlight of the agency.

One minute I'm putting my foot into the agency door and the next I'm landing on the ground, someone just tackled me to the floor.

"C I haven't seen you in ages, if you are looking for mum she is in her office. I'm also going to the meeting." I laugh at her silliness.

"Hey Em, how was your assignment? Did you kick some ugly butt? You and your little energetic self saw me yesterday."

"Duh, you should know me better than that, I flogged them and didn't even break a sweat." She winks.

My Tiny Little Secret, I am a Secret Agent.Where stories live. Discover now