Author's note

48 2 0


Hey! So how did you like the story? I hope you're pleased with it and I hope you like the end. There won't be a sequel (I mean what would I put in the sequel?).I hope you enjoyed I told you: too easy and that it reached you're expectations. I will leave it like this. If I do update, it will be to fix mistakes. Leave comments to tell me what you think of it.

Here is the list of the test subjects if you are interested:

Mind reading 1 guy 26 Nicolas

teleportation 2 guy 24 Nathaniel

Knowledge 3 girl 23 Daisy

Healing 4 girl 22 Emmanuel

Seeing the future 5 guy 20 Jake

Not breathing 6 girl 17 Nayomi

materialization 7 guy 17 Jacob

Astroprojection 9 guy 14 Thomas

Super-strength 10 girl 13 Aubrey

Talk to you later!

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