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I went back to living with my family like it was before only different for me. Now I have people who know about my abilities and who I can talk to openly without feeling judged. I have sisters and brothers who help me with any problem I have. I'm obviously closest with El since we are about the same age. We are now practically inseparable along with Max. We're three best friends. My life went from a living hell to something I couldn't even have dreamed about in the span of two weeks. Now I am really happy.



I bought a small apartment in Hawkins so I could live close with the people I love. It's not much but I love it. I homeschool myself and Hopper takes care of the child service stuff until I turn eighteen. He also comes over often to make sure I have something to eat. I got a job at the local library and people love me there, it feels great to be wanted somewhere. Me and Jacob became friends with Nancy, Steve and Jonathan. Our group is weird but filled with love. Life is better than ever before. Now I really am happy.



I moved in an apartment in the same building as Nayomi with the money I got from selling the house. Hopper takes care of me like he does with Nayomi. I go to regular school like I did back home and I hang out with Steve, Nancy and Jonathan at school. I got a job at the theatre and I work mostly on the weekends which is great because I get to see Nayomi and the gang often since they always come at least once on the weekends. I love it there. Life has never been this great. Now I really am happy.



I returned to live with my friends. I felt bad for leaving my family but now I know that that's what I had to do. I love them but I can't stay there. Now, I understand why Jane left last year. Her friends needed her. Now, my friends need me. I can't leave them behind. We have to finish what we started and maybe after that, I could go back to Hawkins to live with my family. I miss them a lot. Before I left. I took pictures of all of them and I hung them up in the van. I'm happy though. Now I really am happy.



I bought a small house in Hawkins. I live there alone but close to my family. I got a job as a teacher at the elementary school. I don't have to take all the courses I would normally need since I know everything so Hopper helped me make a fake diploma. It's not really illegal since I already know everything I would learn in that class. The kids love me. I think it's adorable. They always hug me and tell me nice things. I have Holly in my class so I always bring her back from school with the new car I bought with the money I made from selling the van. I was like giving away a part of me but I needed a regular car now that I have a serious job. My life is going great. Now I really am happy.



I moved in a house in Hawkins. I revamped Bob's burgers and it's now called Numbers. I know that no one will get that name but I smile every time I see it. I can't help it, it reminds me of my family. The restaurant is going great. There isn't a moment in the day when no one is eating there. I gave Jake a job since he has to pay off his apartment and he is great at what he does. I got a girlfriend. Her name is Amanda and she is 25 years old. I'm going to ask her to marry me soon. Now I really am happy.



I got an apartment near Nayomi and Jacob's building. I sold my house so I got some money but not enough so I'm working at Numbers to pay the apartment I am forever grateful for the job the Nicolas gave me. I don't know what I would do without it. I think I'm doing well at the job. The salary is good. I don't have many friends because I don't go to school anymore but last week, I met a group of people about my age. There were about six of them. We became instant friends. They always come around closing so that we can go hang out after. I have a perfect life. Now I really am happy.



I moved in with Steve and his family since I'm still too young to own an apartment. I have a lot of money though because we sold my house. I help pay for my food even if Steve's mom won't let me. I put it right in her wallet so she doesn't find out. Steve is really funny. He's like my big brother. We do a ton of stuff with his brother Troy. I go to school. I'm a grade over El and her friends. Hopper asked us to call her Jane at school though since that's her official name. If we ever call her El, we just say that we used to call her that when we were young and the nickname stuck through the years. I play hockey in the school team with my friend Olivier. I love school. Now I really am happy.



Me and Emmanuel bought quite a big house. I wouldn't say it's huge but we had some money from selling the old house so we could afford something a little bigger. We adopted two kids. A beautiful baby boy and girl. They're both about one month old so they are still tiny. But they are adorable. We named the girl Laura and the boy Isaac. They are both healthy and happy. I feel great to have given a home to two babies in the need. I got a job as a police officer. Hopper helped me train. I have two wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. What can I say, my life is filled. Now I really an happy.



I got a job at the children's hospital. I try not to use my powers too much but sometimes it's hard. Some of the kids are just so sick. I give them a small boost so their body can heel. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't work full time though since I have to take care of the babies a lot. I still have my doubts about the upside down though. I know we killed the monster and everything is "back to normal" but I don't know... After all that we've been through isn't this just too easy?

Too easy. That's what I told you.

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