Prologue: Creation

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A/N: Hello! It's been a while since I've posted anything here but I have my writing spirit back. *loud cheering noises*. Anyways this was originally supposed to be only on A03 (archive of our own) but I love Wattpad too much to not share my somewhat decent writing <3 I'm hoping this becomes read a lot like Taken and Give it Your all. (Which no I will not be continuing edits of. Sorry :( ! ). Anyways I just wanted people to know that romance won't be the main focus of this story for a few chapters. It'll start off boring at the beginning but I promise it will kick off soon. Also this won't be grade A professional writing. It's a hobby I have along with other things. This was also based off a short film by CryptTV on YouTube called 'the birch'. I highly recommend there channel  if you don't mind gore and love horror. Here's the prologue. Pictures will be for the next chapter~
May 1963, May 4th 3:00 Am.

She ran as fast as her feet could carry her. She was almost late to the ceremony- and she would be dead if she was. The woman moved the red cloak hood from her head and jumped over branches. She panted heavily as she bursts into the abandoned building, 5 other cloaked figures turning their heads to look at her. "Mary. You were almost late. 5 seconds to spare." Another female voice says and the woman named Mary walks over to the circle of hooded figures.

"I apologize for my inconvenience, sisters. " she bowed to then to show she was upset. It was common courtesy among the sisterhood to apologize for inconveniencing those who are ready to learn and work for the sisterhood as one.

"We forgive you, Sister Mary. " 3 other female voices spoke all at once.

"Let's begin shall we. Amice would you like to begin the opening ceremony?" One cloaked figure said. Amice looked over to Mary and she nodded encouragingly. It was a huge honor to begin the opening ceremony for any meeting.

"I graciously accept your offer, sister Janice. " Amice spoke and stepped forward "Sisters, we are gathered here tonight to witness a very special moment in our time. Our kind has suffered long enough under the prosecuting of the villagers. Tonight, we fight back. " She stepped back and they all joined hands.

"Sister Kelign, place the objects in place. " Janice spoke and a red headed female who seemed younger than the rest  walked over to a shelf and grabbed a book which a brown leather cover and wrapped together with string. Mary watched as Kelign walked over to Janice and handed her the book with a bow to which Janice took the book gently.

Janice unwrapped the string and opened the book, flipping the pages until she found one. Then they all walked outside to where items lay in a circle and they stood in a circle around the items, branches and nature things in the very center.

  "We call upon the trust of god that thy will protect us and sent us a guardian. Bring your light and expose the truth , let thou shine through the darkness and protect" Janice says and they all repeated, the things in the middle beginning to swirl up into a spiral. They watched but were not shaken and continued chanting , until a monster appeared. It was no ordinary monster- it had intertwined branches at the top and its body was made out of pure wood, it making a cracking sound as it turned its head to face the females who bowed before the being. "Mother. You have arrived" Mary says softly.

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