1. Saru VS Misty

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Misty: "Saru! There you are!"

Saru: "Yeah, Misty. Right. My plan is going very well."

Misty: "Hmpf, Saru. Why are you doing these things? Is being powerful really the most important to you? And Fei.. Why are you using him like the other second stage children?"

Saru: "Using? You're getting it wrong. It was their own choice at last. They were free to join me and to form a team together. Those adults are just really stupid and by the way... Your little brother wanted it too. He's not brainwashed by me or something, if you thought so. Also, you failed to protect him right? You promised before.. To protect him with all of your heart."

Misty: "What?" That's actually true.. I promised myself and my parents to... Protect him... But I failed.. Fei is one of them now. A member of Feida... "N-no. It can't be! I.. I'll bring him back. For sure! I.. I'll bring all of them back, including you Saru! I still care about you. We were friends once..."

Saru: "We were, yeah, but times change. However, we will have a match against Raimon soon and I'm going to defeat you definitely! Then you will regret it that you refused to join us just to protect your brother, but still. Feida is strong enough without you as a SSC as well."

Misty: "We'll see about that, Saru."

Inazuma Eleven Random Scenes - OC: Misty RuneWhere stories live. Discover now