Chapter 1

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It was a dark dull day on the Isle of the lost. Evie had just finished chilling with mal, Jay and Carlos causing mischief on the North side of the Isle. Oh how she wished they could get off this boring island and go do something fun, But no she was stuck in a dingy place with no magic... No WiFi and no way out.... She sighed as she walked to her home...
Her mother would be home which means she would be getting lectured for staying out too late because heaven forbid she stay out late incase ruffians! and thugs! attack her 'precious' daughter, evie thought as she let out a quiet laugh and shook her head, It's not easy being the daughter of the evil queen she though as she pushed the heavy door to here house open.

As soon as she began to close the door it let out a horrid shreik and then slammed!! shut, evie winced she was definitely going to be caught by her mother now... As she began to tiptoe towards the stairs she heard a shrill voice "And what time do you call this" evie froze wincing as she turned around " I'm sor-" evie froze, saying sorry on the Isle of the lost showed weekness anyone who said it would be looked down upon.
"I guess I just lost track of the time" evie said looking at her freshly manicured nails while shrugging her shoulders in an uncaring way "lost track of the time" her mother began........ "Lost track of the time! " she wailed this time "it is not safe for a princess to be out at this time.... What if a ruffian got you hmmm???" she quizzed "how would you meet your Prince then" she threw her hand up to her forhead "you wouldn't and then I wouldn't get my castle",evie rolled her eyes, "it won't happen again".
Evie sighed in defeat her shoulders slumping as she leaned and against the rail of the stair case "don't slouch it will give you bad posture" bellowed the evil queen "go to you room I don't want to see you for the rest of the night" she said furiously and she stalked away to a different room leaving evie on her own.

Once evie go to her room she threw herself onto her beautiful blue bed bouncing afew times from the force... Evie layed on her bed for afew minutes before getting up to sit at her vanity dresser... It was white... Her room was a mixture of blue and white just the right amount to keep it balanced, She was good at these sort of things decorating her room deciding what to wear how to have her hair and makeup... She had been taught by her mother from a young age that she must be a perfect princess.
Sometimes evie thought her mother was much more  better then the rest of the Isle kids parents because... She took time out to show her things how to do her makeup how to act like a princess small things that she felt no other parents did for there children, But then she would be reminded that her mother is a villain, and although she is a little bit different evil still runs through her veins.

Evie knew she would never have a proper relationship with her mother, not like all the other children in aurodon.
Oh how she wished she had been born there instead of the Isle she always hid her feeling about it because she knew it would make her friends un happy, but evie always liked to think and imagine herself in aurodon, prince's falling at her feet, Not being trapped in a waste land and  freedom to do what she wants. Of course most of the Isle children probably fantasised about freedom but evie fantisized so much more then that.

*tap* *tap *

Evie was Brought out of her daydreaming by stones being thrown at her window, "damn" she cursed out loud..
She forgot tonight was the night herself, mal, Jay and Carlos were sneaking to the south side of the Isle to create havoc on uma and her unsuspecting crew, it was little things like this that made evie remember she was bad, by the excitement coursing through her veins at what was happening tonight.
Yes she sometimes felt guilty but the adrenaline always pushed that away.

Evie opened her window letting the brisk cold air into her room causing goosebumps to appear on her arms, she looked down from her window to see mal and Jay "c'mon evie we dont have long and we still need to get Carlos" Jay shouted causing the princess to shh him "speak quieter unless you want to get caught by my mother" evie spat as she grabbed onto the vines going down the wall from her bedroom to her garden.

As evie descended from her room she couldn't help but let a small smile form thinking of her mother and how she would react if she was to see her doing this, no doubt bar's would be put on her window for the rest of her life if she was to be caught.

Evie felt Jay's hands on her waist as she got closer to the bottom, she let go completely and let Jay catch her and Place her gently on the ground "thanks" evie said smiling up at Jay, he smirked back and winked "guys come on we don't have much time" mal whispered harshly as she began to walk through the trees in evies garden.

Once they got Carlos they went to the middle of the town to discuss the plan "okay... Evie and Carlos you need to got to ursulas fish and chips shop, and me and Jay will go to umas ship" mal said pulling a bag onto her shoulder, Jay also doing the same
"why can't we all go to the ship" Carlos sighed rolling his eyes
"because we need a look out then, and if only one of you goes to the shop they will be suspicious but if the  two of you  go.... They might think its just a casual meeting they won't even think twice about it" mal said smirking devilishly Carlos nodded his head  "okay and what will you and Jay be doing" evie asked... " while you two are in there we are gonna be... Giving the ship  a new make over" Jay laughed while mal smirked "okay so we meet back here in thirty minutes" mal said looking at us all as we nodded
"and if they start to leave" mal began
"cause a distraction" evie finished while smirking mal smirked back and nodes her head "okay let's go" and with that they were off.

So this is there first chapter.... I hope you've enjoyed  it like I said in the note.... I've only been able to see bits and bobs of both films cause I can't find a decent browser.... And I haven't read the book but I like the ship and i wanted to do a story.... So please vote and comment it would mean so much to me off you did thanks guys 😁 xx

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