The household

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Ben didn't dare to talk during the flight, he had so many doubts and she had so many questions. To pass the time, he inspections the vessel and makes a new bag with more supplies, just in case they need to take separate ways; despite that he is trying so hard to prevent that to happen. Rey just sits there, partly scared, partly confident, asking herself, again and again, why not trust him now, playing with the medallion between her fingertips.

One of the advantages of flying in that ship is that he can approximate Hanna City without being detected. It will be tricky without more crew on board, but they need to make it this way. When the ship alert them that they were close enough to the planet, Ben sits in the pilot's chair and make the adjustment for the approaching. -"Prepare for the landing."- It's all that he says, hitting the lever and ending the hyperjump. They came out inside the planet, in low altitude over the sea near a hill and a huge city at the distance.

He flies the ship even lower taking cover behind the hills. Rey is amazed by his pilot skills, flying seems so natural to him, which reminds her of Han Solo, they are much alike. She helps him with the stabilizers and turning on the radars before he asks. Ben nods without looking at her, he appears so tense and distant. It is too difficult for him being in that place, after so many years.

Far away from the city, between ponds and orchards, a farm stands alone. Ben descends, even more, landing where the trees are taller. The clear space is small for the ship, but he manages to place it without disturbing must of the orchard. Once he finishes the maneuver he stays watching the trees with sadness clouding his eyes, all seems exactly how he remembered. Rey turns off the engines, the radars and opens the access ramp.

Feeling out of place, she grabs the bags and her staff waiting for him to move, wondering where they are. Ben slowly stands, terrified by the idea of returning to that house now that is completely empty. He looks at Rey, the woman that has turned his world around, that questioned his beliefs, his values, himself. She is watching at him, worried for his expression; he seems scared, vulnerable. Before she can say anything, he takes all the bags from her and steps outside the ship.

It's early in the morning, the soft light passing through the trees canopies. All of them are green and blue, full of fruits of different colours. The smell of the water and the grass is sweet and fresh. They walk slowly, in silence, toward the farm which looks abandoned. All the crops and the fruits are well maintained like someone had been taking care of them; however, the farmhouse and the barn beside it are completely sealed.

Ben approaches the main entrance of the house, touches the wall next to the door and the lock system emerges. He places his bare hand, enters a code and, for his surprise, the building comes to life. All the blinds fold up, all the internal lights shine, the generators in the ceiling starts humming. The main door opens and Ben takes a step back with fear in his eyes. Rey rushes to his side with her blaster in the hand and looks inside the house to discover a protocol droid standing still in the middle of the room.

-"Elsie"- Ben whispers, entering the house followed by Rey. Once both are inside the door closes and block itself. She doesn't know what to do and Ben just is there watching the droid. It looks like it is in hibernation mode, or so she believes.

The entire interior is white; the furniture is covered with sheets, a big dust coat over them. In the middle of the house stand out an internal garden opens with soft long grass and a single tree. The garden is surrounded by the hallways conducting to the other rooms of the house. Intrigued by what is going on with Ben and the droid, Rey feels more comfortable doing something and stars cleaning.

Ben has forgotten for a moment that he isn't alone and get lost in his thoughts, he can't believe that Elsie was still there. He remembered it well, all clumsy and polite; clearly recalls that the droid called her mother mom. Leia didn't like T-2LC that much, because it had slow reflexes and mostly obeyed Han's orders. Elsie was the nanny of the family until Ben was six or seven, when they bring it here, to this house. After that, Ben never came back and now everything is gone, even Elsie.

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