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The day seemed to drag on as Claire learned what would be required of her in the AP classes for the semester

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The day seemed to drag on as Claire learned what would be required of her in the AP classes for the semester. She was thankful after hearing how demanding her physics class would be that her last three periods would be less stressful.

The Break bell rung through out the halls, and you could hear the chaos erupting as the school gathered to socialize and raid the food machines. Claire gladly took her time, weaving through the masses. Even this was odd for Claire for she usually looked forward to the rush of 'hello's' from her classmates, but she opted to escape the crowd for a much quieter, yet longer, trail to the courtyard to met her friends. She took the back stairs that led into the Art hall where most remained in their class beginning their daily projects. She admired their determination, and passion. Claire found herself staring through the door at a freshman girl drawing away on her blank canvas. The girl seemed so sure of what she was doing, and her passion was painted all over the canvas. Claire felt a bit of envy at someone much younger than her not caring about the world outside of that classroom; a girl that had found what she loved as was willing to pour every ounce of it onto the page. Claire only wished for that type of purpose.

Realizing she didn't want to let Charlee down, Claire chose to cut through the old field house to reach the Courtyard sooner instead of staying within the halls. Where a group of guys standing off to the right, gathered around a kid carrying his band equipment. Normally she would ignore this type of gathering, yet, it was another who caught her attention. A guy, whom she did not recognized, stood propped on the fence watching the group. He was very intriguing; his looks certainly didn't fit in with the rest of the guys she grew up with at Brook Hills. His blond hair pushed back into an organized mess. He narrowed his green eyes on the group, becoming irritated with the situation playing out before him. Claire continued walking, and wouldn't have paid much more attention had it not been for the banter the older guys were given the band kid.

She made to turn around, and go find a teacher who would stop the harassment, until the stranger moved from the fence and approached the group. Claire couldn't hear what was being said, not that it mattered, because within moments the new guy had the bully pinned to the ground. Claire decided it was time to walk away, she never enjoyed watching fights, especially now when her emotions were all over the place. She didn't even glance back to see what had unfolded.

"Where the hell have you been?" Tori asked as Claire finally made it to the Courtyard.

"Sorry," she says, giving Charlee a hug. "I went out the side door, and had to wait for someone to unlock it to let me back in." the girls just shrugged and accepted her reason. Claire sat on the concrete bench for the last five minutes of the break, before noticing Kanon making his way towards the group.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones waiting for you." Savannah observes.

"Claire," he says, "I didn't hear from you this summer."

"Apparently it's a trend." Tori jokes. "Don't take it personal, brother."

"You look great." Kanon says, before taking a seat next to her.

"She looks the same," Savannah states dryly.

"I just had a lot going on this summer, Kanon. With training, and the college recruits, I didn't leave much time for a social life." Claire replies, though, not entirely a lie. She did travel a good bit with her father scoping out different colleges, and learning about the different sport scholarships she would likely receive.

"Can I walk you to next period?" Kanon asked Claire.

"Sure. I actually have office assistant now, until 6th period workouts."

"Oh, nice. So you can keep us out of trouble then?" he nudges her as they walk through the hall.

"Kanon, you got yourself into trouble."

"Hey, if I get the opportunity to kiss my girlfriend, I am going to take it." He says boastfully, "Even if it's right in front of our history teacher." They laugh.

"I'm not your girlfriend anymore. So you'll have to find another girl who is okay with detention for PDA." Claire says before closing the office door.

Any comments and/or critiques are welcomed as it will help me in the editing process.


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