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By the time Yasu returned to her team's locker room, the boys had woken up. They packed up their things, and the team left the building together. "Okay." said Riko while looking around to see if they had missed out anyone. "Everyone's ready, right? Let's go."

"Crap." muttered Hyuga while facepalming himself. "I can't believe I fell asleep in a locker room in the middle of winter."

"Winter can be so uncool." said Izuki.

"You're the one who's uncool." remarked the captain.

"We'd better make sure we don't catch colds." advised Kiyoshi.

"Hold on, aren't you forgetting something important?" asked Koganei in suspense. When his teammates looked at him, he held out a peace sign. "Let's celebrate our victory!"

"We can't do that!" yelled Hyuga. "Our second game is the day after tomorrow! From the third game on, we've got matches every day! Even if we win, there's no time to celebrate!"

"That sounds like a good idea." said Riko, who was considering Koganei's suggestion. "Let's go get dinner together."

"What?" responded the boys, confused.

"Your recovery is important, too." she said. "For that, you need to eat properly and get plenty of sleep."

"Either way, we intended to research our next opponent." added Kiyoshi before looking at the manager. "And we can buy some time for Ya-chan if she wanted have extra information." The said girl nodded at him, agreeing with what he said.

"Where, though?" asked Hyuga. "Eating out is expensive."

"My place is so far away." said Riko.

"Excuse me..." called out a hesitant Kagami, grabbing everyone's attention. "My place is actually near by."

"What?" responded Hyuga, while the others blinked at him.

~Time skip~

Kagami unlocked the door, and let everyone into his apartment after they had taken off their shoes. Their mouths agape when they saw its interior, as they stared with awe after he had switched on the lights. Some of them even dropped their bags on the floor, for they couldn't believe that Kagami was living in such an apartment by himself.

"It's..." muttered Koganei before shouting, "It's huge!"

"Come on in." said Kagami before going off to put away his bag.

"Kagami, do you live here by yourself?" asked Hyuga, who had sweat drops on the back of his head like the others.

"I was supposed to live here with my dad." replied the said boy.

"Kagami-kun, you're a despicable guy after all." said Kuroko bluntly. "I'm not going to be your shadow anymore."

"Why would you say that?!" yelled Kagami.

"The decor's simple, though." commented Yasu.

"Minimal furniture, a basketball, and a magazine." said Izuki, who was sitting at the coffee table and noticed the last two things.

"You really only think about eating, sleeping and basketball." remarked Hyuga, earning a nod from Mitobe.

Kiyoshi walked and noticed someone was missing from the group. "Where's Riko?" he asked.

"She headed to the kitchen with our ingredients." replied Fukuda, causing everyone to shriek with horror.

"You can't be serious!" yelled Hyuga to the first year while Koganei ran around the room, screaming for life.

That Manager - Kuroko no Basuke (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now