Why wasn't she more upset about this? Why wasn't she sobbing in a ball on the floor right that moment?

Because you knew about this for years?

And that thought alone was enough to spill tears out of the corners of her glassy eyes. Her heart sank and she actually felt it in her chest, dropping into her core. The feeling brought her down to the ground, her feet suddenly flooded with pain, as if she'd been walking for miles. And in only a matter of seconds, Y/N was a slumped, sobbing mass in the middle of the once-bustling hallway. She slid her way to one side of the hall, leaning against a door for support. Her quiet sobs echoed through the halls, and wasn't met with a single sound in return. She registered this fact and realized she had to have been walking back and forth for a while... She really was alone.

"Erm..." A deep voice came from above Y/N's quivering body. She looked up to see one of the very few familiar faces on the roster. "You alright?"

What was his name? She'd been introduced to everyone on the roster, but made no effort to remember anyone's name because she hated being on the road so much. But this face she had seen more than once. He looked distraught, the deep wrinkles in the burrowed in his ruddy forehead betrayed that fact. His dark hair was pulled back into a messy bun, wisps of dark curls framed his face haphazardly. It was a complete contrast to the way Y/N saw Seth before she left him; he was so relaxed, freshly showered, and carefree, this man seemed as if he'd been rocked to the core.

"What? Oh yeah, yeah... Yes." Y/N smiled, but looked miserable with mascara running in streams down her smooth face. She quickly realized this when she saw the handsome face above her flinch, and wiped her cheeks furiously with the back of her hands. "I'm sorry, I'm in your way."

The man offered his massive hand for her to hold onto. She accepted bashfully and he effortlessly lifted the woman from her previous post in front of his locker room door.

"Don't apologize." The man flashed an earnest smile and steadied the smaller woman by the small of her back. He quickly retracted his hand and wiped it on his shirt. "You sure you're okay? I could call someone for you."

"No really, its alright." She gazed aimlessly down the empty hall.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the two of them, him towering over her in his doorway, staring at the small woman who apparently wasn't really present. He carefully studied her features, trying to piece together who this woman was, and how he knew her. And then it hit him.

"Hey, aren't- aren't you Seth's g–"

"Please" She snapped, before regaining some composure in her voice "Please, don't say that bastard's name." While the venom wasn't completely out of her words, she still managed to get a reaction out of the man. Another short silence filled the air before she spoke again.

"I'm Y/N. And you're..." Her thoughts trailed as she scanned her brain for any inkling of a name to guess. She drew a blank as his deep-brown eyes locked onto hers.

"Oh, I'm Roman. We've met once or twice I think." He extended his hand for a shake, and quickly realized how formal he was acting before retracting his hand awkwardly. "Well, uh... Do you need a ride anywhere? Should I call someone?"

The shiny wedding band on his finger caught her eye, so Y/N noticed the strange gesture and retraction. She didn't have the mental energy to give the strange behavior much thought. "No, no... I'm alright. Thank you, I should get going though." And with that, she spun on her heel and quickly darted away from Roman's door. Despite the pain shooting from her feet, she felt she had to get away from him quickly, she didn't want to cause any alarm. Maybe it was time for her to follow everyone else's routine and start drinking away her injuries. And with only the seed of an idea she wandered through the maze that was the backstage arena, determined to find a bar and a comfortable seat.

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