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"Really Seth?! You have no idea how these pictures – of your cock – ended up all over the internet again?"

She never anticipated having to scream at her boyfriend for his penis being exposed to the world for a second time, but there she was, in his locker room, waving her phone screen in front of his face, just like old times.

This time, there had been accompanying texts on screen, supposedly between her boyfriend and some fan who was making her way to his hotel room that night.

"Y/N, are you honestly going to believe some photoshopped texts and some random dick pics?" The larger man ran his hand through his dark, wet, hair and placed the other on his hip. Y/N couldn't help but admire the view that was a freshly-showered and dripping-wet Seth Rollins. Her anger only faltered for a moment before she processed his words, which brought her back into a flaming rage.

"You have the audacity to lie to my face right now?" She jabbed a manicured finger into his hard chest. He didn't even lose his balance, and she could have sworn she saw him roll his eyes at her effort. "Thats your dick Seth, I'd know, I'm pretty familiar with it!"

Y/N sharply inhaled before continuing her rant "I hate coming on the road with you. You know that Seth. But you know why I came this time? Because I was worried you would be back at this shit with the ring rats. And look at you! Look at your fucking dick on my fucking phone!" Her phone whipped out of her hand and into his chest, landing with a satisfying smack. She was only worried for a moment that the screen actually cracked, until she saw it land screen-up with only a slight chip on the sides.

"Could you please quiet down?!" He seethed through clenched teeth, gesturing to the door behind Y/N. She almost forgot they were in the arena, and the halls were buzzing with crew and other talent. While she'd never been a part of the roster, she had been with Seth long enough to know the routine of the many wrestlers after a taping. A mad rush to find your closest friends, your "civilian" clothes and hit the most low-profile bar to drink away any injuries and pass out in your hotel room before hitting the road again.

"Quiet down? You want me to quiet down?" Y/N chuckled, her eyes stinging from fresh tears threatening to spill over "How about you stop putting your dick on blast and I'll quiet the fuck down. How about that?" She grabbed her purse from the small couch beside her, along with the chipped phone at his feet and turned to the door in a huff.

"Baby, where are you going? I've got the keys and I drove, remember?" He sighed, not sounding the least bit moved by his girlfriend's accusation.

"Don't baby me. We're done. I'll find my own way home."

"Own way home? Y/N we're in the middle of Oklahoma, there's no way you're getting home without–"

The heavy blue door slammed shut in the middle of his sentence. And just like that, Y/N felt like the nonsense of a relationship she had with Seth "look at my dick" Rollins dissolved behind the door. But just as quickly, she found herself in the middle of the dizzying back-and-forth of a backstage WWE taping. A flurry of unfamiliar faces rushed through the hall, a fact that only reminded her of how alone she felt in that moment. Sure, she had suspected Seth was cheating for a while, but she never had any proof. Not until she scrolled through Tumblr and saw some damning pictures of her boyfriend, of course. His aloof attitude is what she encountered the last time his nudes were leaked, and that attitude only confirmed her suspicions.

What an idiot. She didn't know if that criticism was directed at herself or her new ex. Regardless, she repeated it under her breath in disgust as she stood outside of his door.

Y/N realized it was only a matter of time before Seth would have to come through that door, whether he'd be chasing after her or just leaving for the night was a mystery to her. She was not interested in finding out the answer though. So she decided to merge in with the traffic of the hallway, her steps uncalculated and clumsy as she tried to sort through her thoughts and feelings. Her thoughts only focused inward as time became inconsequential.

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