♡22♡ One Lifetime Arc - The connection between lifetimes

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Some days have passed and there was no answer as to why the twins have crossed over to another lifetime and swapped with their counterparts. Otogi Kazari was doing her best to give an answer but she still couldn't come up with a definite one yet; she could only theorize that the machine she was working on, instead of teleporting an object from one pod to another, it somehow ended up crossing over time and sending the twins into this world and sending the grown up version of Michiyo and Ranfa from this world to their world. 

"So...Michiyo-chan and Ranfa-chan are not from our world, Officer 314 and No.413 are from our world?" The Warden had called for this meeting because it means they have lost an officer and a prisoner. Also, she's confused as to who was who. 

'The Warden is confused for a change!' Kiji, Samon, and Kenshirou thought in their minds. They found it somewhat adorable for her to be confused. 

Hajime looked at the written report that Kazari had made for everyone. "Who is who again?" 

'Why is he confused too?!' Kiji, Samon, and Kenshirou looked at Hajime with very judgmental eyes. 

'Why is it that when I am confused, I get judged?" Hajime thought to himself.

"Ahem!" Kenshirou faked cough, "Why did Officer 314 and No.413 end up at the science section of the prison?

Hajime began to sweatdrop because he told the grown up Michiyo to go and get some files from Kazari. He stayed quiet so the blame wouldn't be shifted to him. He's praying so hard to not get caught that he looked so angry to everyone but he's really in a panic. 

'He's pissed...?' Kiji, Samon, and Kenshirou wondered why he looked angry. 

Kazari rolled her eyes, "We can just roll back the clip and we can clearly see Officer 314 doing her job. Look, No.413 happens to be with her out of pure coincidence." 

"And then they enter the room to look for Kazari-san..." Kiji said, eyes on the screen. 

They could see a great flash from the windows and then out came the twins.

"The camera for that room was broken in the process so I need time to fix it." Kazari explained, "I don't know if I can retrieve the data." 

"Do your best, we're counting on you." The Warden said to Kazari, "For the time being, Michiyo-chan will be in Supervisor Gokuu's care, and Ranfa-chan will be Supervisor Yozakura's care." 

"Yes, Ma'am!" 

Samon could finally return to his own building. He was thankful most of today's work was done because he could talk to the other Michiyo more than before. He's aware she's not the Michiyo he married but hearing her voice put him at ease and he just needed to hear it to feel as if the other Michiyo was with him. 

"Samon-san, you're back!" Michiyo was so happy to see him. She had been quite bored from waiting in the break room. 

"Did you do much today?" 

"I met with Liang and Upa. Just like in my world, they are still kind to me. I think Liang in this world is less shy than the one in my world." 

"That guy? He's not really that good with women. He was only comfortable with my wife because of her strength." 

"Is the other me strong?" 

"She is strong. That's why I know she will definitely come back." He was confident she will come back to him in one piece but there was still a part of him who was worried about her wellbeing. 

Michiyo suddenly hold his hand with two of hers, "Don't worry! I'm sure you will see her again! I just know it!" 

Samon smiled at her, "Yeah..." Hearing her tell him that made him feel happy on the inside. He took a good look at her and he noticed something, "Your eyes are slightly red. You okay?" 

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