♡18♡ Moments that become awkward, moments that become happiness

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Samon ended up returning to his dorm. He didn't look very happy.

"Samon-san, welcome back! You're back early-" Liang was shocked to see a slap mark on Samon's cheek. "Samon-san?!" 

"What now?" 

"W-why is there a slap mark on your face?" There was a very angry red mark on Samon's cheek, and it was obviously a slap mark because the marks looked to similar to a human hand. A number of thoughts were running through Liang's mind right now. A, Michiyo got too nervous that she acted upon her instincts and she accidentally slapped Samon in the face. B, Samon was being too forceful and he had to be hit to be stopped. C, Samon did something completely wrong and Michiyo slapped him for it. D, something unexpected happened and somehow it ended up being Samon's own fault. Liang had to guess it couldn't be B or C so it had to be either A or D. "What happened?" 

"Bad timing." Samon answered.

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?" 

Samon didn't want to explain. He headed up the stairs, wanting nothing more but to sleep it off and start a new day. He just wanted to shove his face against his pillow and go to sleep. He looked at his phone to see Michiyo did not read his messages; she must still be angry with him.

Once he was in his room, he slumped down onto the bed, face first against his pillow. He couldn't believe the timing ruined everything! But he only had himself to blame for all this bullshit that happened not so long ago...

A few hours ago, all clothings were long forgotten and down on the floor. Sweet sighs and noises from bliss slipped out every now and then, a fine music to the ears. Samon made sure to take things slow and make it comfortable just for her. He didn't dominate her like the males in soppy Hollywood movies, he made sure to touch and kiss her at a pace that she's comfortable in. 

When Michiyo gently pushed him away to breathe, she couldn't stop blushing. her fingers gently traced the red tattoos on his arms, all the way to his shoulders. She was looking at him like she wanted something more from him, she wanted him to continue. 

"What's wrong? I won't know unless you tell me." He teased her, knowing it will make her blush in embarrassment. 

"It's embarrassing..." Her smile was sweet and shy. 

"Really?" Butterfly kisses made its way down from her neck, making its way into the covers and disappear from her view. 

She looked up at the ceiling and she made out where he was under the covers. She gasped and scrunched part of the covers with her hands when she felt something warm and wet at her lower region. She was embarrassed beyond belief when she heard herself moan and also seeing her own expression from the mirror above. "S-Samon-san...!" 

Bzz, bzz, went Samon's phone that was by Michiyo's head.

Michiyo opened her eyes and she turned her head to the side to see her boyfriend's phone was vibrating with a call. "S-Samon-san. P-phone..." 

"Ignore it." Came the voice under the covers.

She did think it was a little bad for him to ignore the caller but she couldn't do anything about it when he continued with his tongue work. "Hmm...!"

It was then Samon regretted having downloaded an app that reads out important contact's voicemail messages if he had missed the call. The caller was important enough to have the message read out, completely ruining the mood of things. 

--Samon, Noriko is going to book a table at the Golden Phoenix buffet and you have yet to tell her if you are planning to go or not. You better not be crying to yourself, Noriko is going to become your sister in law, you better get over your crush for her if you are going to have dinner with us.-- 

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