"What is it?" asked Riko at the sudden silence.

"Nah, it's nothing." assured Yasu. 'After all, I leave him in Alex and father's hands.' she thought with a small smile.

~Time skip~

On the day of the Winter Cup Tournament, all of the participating teams were gathered in the hall during the opening ceremony. "The Winter Cup national high school basketball tournament will now commence." said the announcer, and the ceremony ended.

"Damn it!" cussed Riko loudly as a murderous aura shrouded. "What is that idiot Kagami doing?! The opening ceremony's already over!"

"Apparently, he forgot about the time difference." explained Yasu when she received a text message from the said boy. "He'll be here soon."

"Unbelievable." sighed Hyuga.

"This is amazing." said Kawahara as he stared at the venue with awe. "The Inter-High courts were amazing, but this is even bigger."

"On top of that..." trailed off Furihata as he glanced at other teams. "Everywhere you look are schools we've seen in books or magazines. We're supposed to fight these monsters?"

"Idiots!" yelled Hyuga , who stood behind them and gave each of them a harsh push. "We weren't invited as guests. Hold your heads high."

"Yes, sir!" they said in unison.

He turned around and placed a hand over his heart. A nervous look was plastered on his face. 'Right? Right?!' he asked himself.

'You're scared, too.' noted Izuki with an unamused expression.

Just then, Kuroko felt a vibration coming from his phone while Yasu heard the notification ringtone went off. They opened their phones to read the text message, and their eyes widened a little. "Sorry, but could I step out for a bit?" asked Kuroko.

"Me, too." said Yasu. "It's important."

"I told you not to wonder off." said Riko darkly with a fake smile as she held her giant paper fan up.

"Yes, but... we've been summoned." replied Kuroko, with his hands held out to defend himself in case she was going to hit them.

"Summoned?" repeated Kiyoshi, confused.

"We're going to meet Akashi." replied Yasu.

Even just hearing the name of the person made the others feel uneasy. "The captain of the Generation of Miracles..." trailed off Izuki.

Riko sighed before looking at them. "Fine." she said. "We've got a game this afternoon. Be back by then."

"Okay." said Kuroko with a nod before looking at the girl. "Let's go, Yasu-san." She nodded at him, and they went off.

"Furihata-kun." called Riko as she watched them leave the building. "Could you follow them?"

"Okay." he said, and then followed them.

Kuroko and Yasu went outside of the hall to see four of the Generation of Miracles waiting for their captain as well. "You've got a babysitter, Tetsu, Yasu?" questioned Aomine with boredom as the ball spun on his fingertip.

"Mine-chin, you've got Sa-chin." said Murasakibara while eating a chocolate bar.

"Satsuki's got nothing to do with this." said Aomine.

"Midorimacchi, why do you have scissors?" asked Kise, looking up from his phone.

"It's obviously my lucky item, you idiot." said Midorima, snipping the pair of scissors in his hand.

That Manager - Kuroko no Basuke (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now