Man-Hunt, God-modding and Shitty Admins

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Nick here. I shall be ranting next.

Okay. This may be one of the most fucked up things I have experienced it roleplaying. Well, not thing, but who.

For starters, role playing is where you have fun and just enjoy being some people or creatures you created in your mind or using a character that is already created and interact with other people. Yes, you can add drama and shit to make it more interesting. But, you know that there are extents to what you can do.


First off, don’t do some action or fighting scenes without your character getting some small wounds or crap. Or even making the wounds so fatally they will die then be revived for whatever creature they are. Then you will give me this explanation that is all bullshit and expect us to actually accept your reasonings. No.

You are not God.

You are not perfect.

Go piss off before I go ape-shit on you.

And that is not a good thing to see.


Second of all, don’t make your character the center of attention. It makes your character look like an attention whore. Sometimes, the character reflects on the admin, so it means that you are also an attention whore. And no, I don’t give two craps if you are hurt.

See all the fucks I give. *points at the space* See? Nothing.


Third of all, now this crap gets to both me and Yomi. And I just started to Rp a few weeks ago. Those who demands on a male character of ours. It’s obvious that that admin wants to pair it up to that person’s character(mostly a female). Or when we Rp while I’m using a female character then they wants me to change to a male one. I would obviously ask why and they would give me this pathetic excuse. And that admin would think that I would fuken accept that? You are only making me laugh.

Oh, I have an example but it would make this rant too long. To shorten things;

1) The person gave a crappy start about her character being bullied and shit in school,

2) her character hates the twins and expects them to chase and sooth her when she cried because of them but they only did that because she started it,

3) then tells us that she wasn’t the one who Rped with us on first and that it was her friend that ’jacked her phone’ to obviously save face,

4) asks us to Rp with her again and Yomi accepts, gives us another crappy start{Which we didn’t respond for some quite a while},

5)Rp’s badly to one of our female character{threatened to kill off her boyfie, which she ’did’. Kind of impossible with what kind of creature our character’s boyfie is. -.-},

6) when confronted she tells us that she doesn’t know how to Rp with girls{which is stupid since she is a female herself} then when we asked why, gives a very much crappy reason,

7) then tells me to fuck off since Yomi let me face her.

8) And when I did go off, she calls me a bitch and blocks us.

Lovely girl. I’ve had fair share of Rping/talking to idiots in Wattpad  but this girl is the number one. I want to dedicate this chapter to her but Yomi said she doesn’t want this to get reported so...


That’s it I guess.

Am I too mean? *chuckles* Suck it up. That’s life.

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