Observation~((PARENTS AU))

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Giggles ran through the air as a small boy, no taller then 2ft 5 ran through the halls. His bare feet making small pitters and patters as he kept running. A much taller male running behind him, this man having swooped back hair. Red retro glasses with warm welcoming brown eyes. Eyes that held happiness but also pain. Wisdom but also terror.

A bright genuine smile tugged at this man's lips as he swooped the younger boy up in his arms causing a sqeal of absolute delight to ring through the air. The smaller wiggling for freedom in the mans arms giggles erupting through every sentence "PApA!!!" he called out "I don't wannaaaaaaaaa" the tiny one whined.

The one now known as Papa carried him into a dimly lit room. As another tall man, but not as tall as the man with the glasses stepped from behind them. Leaning lightly against the door frame with a tender smile. Arms crossing as he watched the scene unfold.Genuine love shining in his eyes, However Unlike the other man this one's eyes were blue. Deep as the ocean emotion wise as well as colour. There was just something there you couldn't quite point out.

The Papa chuckled. A deep but friendly one as he carried the boy towards a bed decorated with Batman blankets and pillow covers, "I know you don't wannaaaaaaaaa but you gottaaaaa" his voice was light, teasing and friendly as he dropped the small boy into the soft sheets. Another round of childish laughter filling the room as the boy rolled up much like a sushi roll in his blankets. Bright blue lively eyes staring back at Michael, sparkling with wonder as they stared at his father figure. "Then tell me another story!" The small boy jolted up right into a sitting position. A smug but determined smile tugging at his lips. Almost wide enough that you could see the missing front tooth that had fallen out ealier that week. After an insadant involving an apple and a football. But that's another story.

Michael sighed running a hand through his hair. He knew he wasn't getting out of this and took a seat on the side of his sons bed. Watching as the small boy wiggled down and got comfortable, he blinked up at his Dad expectedly. Which made Jeremy cover his mouth with a quite laugh. Michael smiled and reached down petting his sons dark hair. His voice coming out in soft whispers "now tell me baby boy what is it you want to hear this time hm?"

The boys brows ferrowed as he nearly went cross eyed from thinking so hard. "Ahh...I wanna 'ear.." he suddenly jolted eyes lighting up like he just had the most amazing idea ever! "I wanna 'ear one bout the man you always 'alk to me about! " A cheesy smile fell over the smallers lips.

Michael's demeaner seemed to change. If only for a split second. He hid it well but his eyes told it all. With a Curt nod he took a breath and nodded. His own lips in a thin smile "sure thing my little Pacman " the father kept petting his sons hair thinking up of what to say next.

"Alright then.. I'll tell you the story of the boy who observed everything.. every little thing around him and everyone around him. Nothing ever went un-noticed.."

His voice was so full of love and thought the boy was intranced. Not only that so was Jeremy. Jeremy tilted his head onto the frame of the door. The small love stricken smile still illuminating his features.

"He noticed the distant sounds of cars driving along , far out of our eye sight. He noticed the steam that boiled up from his morning cup of tea in such detail you wondered if that's all he ever looked at." A small chuckle slipped from Michael as his eyes sparkled just at the thought of it

"He was the type of person who if you left him in a room with the sound of unpredictable rain for 5 seconds. When you came back he could tell you the exact timing the drops were hitting off the windows! " The sons smile was soft and tired as he glanced to the side towards Jeremy. His lazy grin still in place. As Jeremy raised his hand and waved slightly . His smile seeming so soft and warm to the younger.

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