Chapter 11

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Hey every body! I know this chapter is short :( I'm thinking of doing frequent but short chapters that way no one has to have any "seperation issues" and I don't lose any sleep. 

I hope you guys are loving this story as much as I love writing it for you. Please comment/vote/like/tweet and promote the more readers the better!!!! Also, Sam shares a class with Leo at school please write which class you'd like to see them in :)

Love you all, Antigoni


Chapter 11

Monday came around a lot faster than I had expected, or planned. I spent most of my weekend consulting with Billy or training with Jaz. I woke up that morning laying on my bed with the feeling that gravity was pulling me down stopping me from getting up and going to school.

The bright sun shown into my bedroom making me just want to shut eyes tighter. I snuggled my covers over my head curling up between the sheets squeezing  my stuffed Turkey closer to my chest trying to hold on to a few seconds of the dream I was dreaming just a moment ago. I tried to remember those last few images; they were so beautiful; I had awoken into consciousness with a smile.

“Samantha,” my mother’s voice echoed. I groaned curling up deeper in the ocean of covers trying to drown myself in their warm arms. Suddenly, I was ripped away from the cocoon that I longed to reside in forever. I looked up, squinting to let in the least amount of light. A tall figure loomed over me; I couldn’t quite make out who it was, but I was sure it was my mother. I turned onto my stomach letting a loud groan escape my lips.

“You have very sexy panties, I must say,” Billy’s voice resonated. I sat up quickly pulling my covers back onto my body; his laughter rung in my ears. I slept in a small t-shirt and lace underpants. When I turned sixteen my mother decided that I was too old for my frog cartooned and bunny underpants and switched them to sexy lingerie. I hadn’t cared at the time; I thought that they were just undergarments and when Jazzy found out about them, she laughed at my attempt at seduction. At the moment I was a little peeved. Billy had seen more of my butt that I had ever wanted him to.

I blew my messy bed hair out of my face, “Don’t you knock?”

“I did,” he smirked, “Not my fault you sleep like a log.”

I rolled my eyes. “Do you mind?” I asked pointing at the pair of jeans that hung on my computer chair. He smiled and threw them at me as he fell back to sit in my chair. I pulled my jeans underneath the covers and quickly slipped them on and got out of bed.

“Get out of my room,” I said pointing to the door. When he didn’t move I continued, “I need to change.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, “Then by all means, change.”

I sighed, he wasn’t giving up. I was going to school in a Perry the Platypus tee. I walked over to my closet, grabbed an AC/DC t-shirt, I then saw his smile grow; realising it was his t-shirt. I threw it at him, forgetting to give it to him a while back. I threw it like he had thrown my jeans at me. Instead I took a button up white shirt.

“You keep it,” he smirked, “It looks better on you anyway.”

I decided to take the compliment and ignore him. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room. Billy followed close behind me. He leaned over to my ear and whispered softly. “Do you wear my shirt in bed?”

My eyes snapped forward growing wide. He did not just say that! As we reached the stairs, I turned around, sticking my foot our and making Billy fall down with a thunderous clunk.  

I heard him utter sounds of pain, instead of running to his aid; I walked down the stairs, stepped over him and headed for the front door ignoring my mother’s calls of worry.

Before he could get up, I walked over to the door; turned my head over my shoulder. Billy turned over on his back still groaning in pain.

“See you at school.”

I then slammed my front door loudly. Maybe Leo hasn’t left for school yet…

ROB-BIE: Robotic Boyfriend Incorporated EnterpriseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora