Part 25

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Part 25

I don’t know why but I let Harry, Louis, and Zayn talk me into throwing a party.  Of course I don’t know anybody that lives here so they have done all the inviting.  I still don’t have everything unpacked but it’s a lot better than a few days ago. They promise it will only be a few people but I don’t trust it.  Of course the girlfriends will be over and just a few friends.  I keep telling myself it’ll be a good way to meet new people but I am nervous.

Right now Liam is grilling burgers and hotdogs in the back.  Zayn is looking through my music and making fun of me.  “I can’t have any of this playing at my party,” he keeps saying as he goes through my iPod playlist.  Lou and Harry are out getting snacks.  People should be over any minute now.  I don’t know who is supposed to be here and who might be trying to sneak in. Eleanor is taking care of the door, thank god for her.

I honestly am not sure what I should be doing.  I keep pacing back and forth in my living room.  Zayn keeps trying to grab my ankle to stop me but I keep avoiding him.  I am not much of a party person and I have never thrown one.  I usually find myself in front of the TV at parties but I am here to meet people so no TV for me.

Finally Harry and Lou have come back.  Lou has numerous bags filled with chips and dips and begins to fill bowls with chips as Harry makes a b-line for the kitchen and starts to stuff my fridge with alcohol.  I’m used to the drinking age being 21 so I almost asked how he bought it.  What am I? The fun police?

I walk out to the back yard where Liam is being the grill master.  “Thanks Liam,” I say as I hand him a bottle of water.  I wave to Danielle and sit down at the patio table with her.  Thankfully my outdoor furniture was delivered just yesterday.

“This is a nice place,” Danielle says.

“Thanks, my real estate agent Lou did a great job picking it out for me.

“How are you holding up?  Getting used to a whole new country must be tough.” It’s like she can read my mind.

“I’m a bundle of nerves but I’m getting there.  I am not one for change.  Harry has made it much better for me to just relax…or at least try to.”

She bursts out laughing, “honey, you are not relaxed.”

I join in on the laughing, “I’m in denial, you’re right.  I don’t regret my decision, but I am still terrified.” It’s nice to talk to another female face to face.  I miss my friends.  They have been my rock for so long.  I wish I could have brought them with me.

I feel hands on my shoulders and soft curls brush against my cheek.  “How are you holding up, love?  Dani, you taking care if my girl?” She smiles and nods yes.

“Doing much better now,” I say as I put my hand on his.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone,” he says as he grabs my hand and we go inside.

Stuck : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now