Chapter Four: Finding Harry

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Chapter 4: Finding Harry

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Chapter 4: Finding Harry

Draco was walking around on the train following the sweet scent of his mate but what angered him was that it was mixed with his mate's blood someone had dared to harm his precious little mate. Speeding up his pace Draco growled at the people in the hallways blocking his way to his mate one of them being the Weasley Chit who was no doubt looking for Harry. Pushing past her and the others Draco ran down the train not caring for what people thought of him if they saw him, but he knew they wouldn't as he was using his vampire speed to reach his mate's as his little submissive a blood was becoming more potent and he could hear his mate's struggling for breath.

After a few minutes Draco reached the very back compartment that had all the blinds down and he knew that his mate was behind this door by his delicious scent and the smell of his mate's blood and the sound of his mate struggling for breath, growling in frustration at another obstacle getting in the way of his mate, as he tried the door but found it locked. Whipping out his wand Draco started sputtering spells under his breath to unlock the door. After a few agonising minutes the door finally flew open and Draco rushed into the room absentmindedly closing the door behind him.

Once in the room Draco rushed over to the unconscious form of his mate not caring that it was Harry Potter as in third year they had put the stupid feud behind them and he was glad that Harry was his mate as he had been getting feelings for him. Crouching on the floor in front of Harry, moving a strand of hair out of his mate's face he was angered that anyone would harm his sweet little Harry. "Harry? Harry baby can you hear me?" Draco asked panicked as he got no answer from his mate whose condition seemed to be worsening.

Gently picking him up Draco made his way out of the compartment to the teachers compartment where Severus was as he had boarded the train to make sure his godson, Draco would be alright after not long coming into his vampire inheritance. Careful not to jostle his injured mate Draco raced along the corridors as fast as he could. "Shhh. It's alright Harry. Everything's going to be alright from now on I promise." Draco murmured as Harry whimpered in his sleep in Draco's arms. In a matter of seconds Draco came to a stop at the teacher's compartment, whispering the password his godfather had given him Draco raced into the compartment startling his dourer Potions Professor.

"What the?" Snape said startled before he regained his composure. "Draco what is the meaning for this? And why do you have an unconscious Mr Potter in your arms?" Snape asked. Draco ignored his godfather and Potions Professor for a moment as he gently laid his mate down on the seats before turning to his godfather with worried molten silver eyes that had flecks of red in them making the silver look more startling. "Uncle Sev. Please you got to help Harry. He's covered in his own blood and his breathing is laboured and he's not just my friend but he's my submissive mate Sev and look what his Uncle has done to him. I know it was him Harry told me in fourth year what his aunt, uncle and cousin do to him every summer since he was left there and the old coot does nothing." Draco growled at the end of his rant.

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