Chapter Five, Healing Begins and the Return of the Wolf

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Chapter Five, Healing Begins and the Return of the Wolf

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Chapter Five, Healing Begins and the Return of the Wolf

"Sev?" Draco questioned his godfather not looking up from his precious mate where he was running his hand through the surprisingly silky black hair that had grown out past Harry's shoulder blades. Hearing his godfather grunt in acknowledgement Draco continued. "Why hasn't Harry woken up yet? Did we miss something?" Sighing Snape put his book down to look into the worried eyes of his godson who's eyes had slightly more red to them then they did earlier.

"Draco what you have to understand is that Harry is still grievously ill no matter that I have healed everything he's still ill because of the amount of blood he's lost not to mention that he is dangerously underweight severally so. It might take us weeks to even get him out of the woods so to speak. When we arrive at Hogsmeade Station I'll apparate us to the get and I want you straight to my rooms Draco I'll meet you there." Snape told his godson firmly.

Draco looked down at his precious little mate continuing stroking his hair as Harry stirred in his sleep. He knew that it would take more than healing spells and potions to heal Harry but he was worried he'd never seen Harry this bad and he hated Dumbledore even more now for causing all that had happened to Harry. "I understand Sev." Draco muttered quietly so as not to wake Harry. Looking out of the window he was glad that he'd already put on his uniform as he saw the distant outline of Hogwarts coming ever closer.

"Don't put Pot- Harry's uniform on him as you might reopen the wounds and it's easier to check on him without the uniform on." Severus informed him as if he knew what Draco was thinking. Nodding his head absentmindedly Draco looked up at Harry's stuff that was next to his on the luggage rack, he'd gone out and collected Harry's things from his compartment while Severus was healing Harry he'd key Harry's owl Hedwig out to make her own way to Hogwarts with his Eagle owl Apollo. Pointing his wand at the two trunks Draco levitated them down and shrunk them so he could put them in his pocket.


All too soon the train pulled into the station at Hogsmeade. Draco watched as people pilled out onto the platform stopping to look for their friends he scowled when he saw Granger and the Weasel no doubt looking for Harry but he wouldn't let them come anywhere near Harry if it was the last thing he did, as his Vampire was screaming at him to kill those who'd hurt his mate before they hurt him again.

"Draco. Draco. DRACO!!!" Draco blinked as he heard someone shouting his names. He looked down at his precious cargo still held protectively to his chest only to see that he was still asleep, it was only then that he realised that it was his godfather that had been the one shouting his name. "Sorry Uncle Sev did you say something?" Draco asked looking at said man confusedly as he saw the angered expression on the mans face.

"Yes Draco I did indeed say something," Severus snarled glaring at the teen. "I was trying to get your attention before you lost control and not only hurt your mate with how hard you were holding him but also to stop you going on a rampage and killing Miss Granger and Mr Weasley even if they're a couple of nuisances. Now I'm going to put a Notice Me Not spell on you as well myself so we can slip off of the train and I'll Apparate us to the gates without any problems or disturbances. Come here. Now." Severus shouted when Draco didn't move quick enough.

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