i never thought i'd see the dead living again ... [ 0 / 3 ]

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➨ N A M E :
═ Alicio ' Lottie ' Marshall.

➨ A G E :
═ Lottie Will Turn 21 In June. But, For Now, He's 20.

➨ G E N D E R :
═ Cisgender Male.

➨ R A C E :
═ He's Angelo, Or White.

➨ H A I R C O L O R :
═ His Hair is Naturally Brown.

➨ E Y E C O L O R :
═ His Eye's Are So Brown, They're Almost Black.

➨ N A T I O N A L I T Y :
═ He's French On His Mother's Side And English On His Father's.

➨ P L A C E O F B I R T H :
═ He Was Born In New Orleans.

➨ R E S I D E N C E :
═ He's Still Living In New Orleans, In A Two Bedroom, Because Of How He's Been Taking Care Of His Little Sister For Years Now. [ She Needs Her Own Bedroom. ]

➨ O C C U P A T I O N :
═ Lottie Owns A Floral Arrangements Shop. But, He Only Does It So He Can Afford To Buy The Thing's He Needs, And Live, And To Appear ' Normal. '

➨ M E N T A L I L L N E S S E S :

➨ A L L E R G I E S :
═ He's Very Allergic To Almonds.

➨ A P P E A R A N C E :
═ [ His F.C. is Evan Peters. ]


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