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what about peter being insecure about all his changes (getting buff, stronger, his senses are overwhelming) and reader tries to calm him down.

Peter had been through some drastic changes when he turned into Spider-man, but he never really opened up to you about how he felt about these sudden changes.
The boy seemed to be good at keeping everything in, until eventually he couldn't take it anymore.
You tried to talk to him about the hard things, but at the end of the day you knew Peter would come to you when he was ready and that's that.
"Peter, baby, i'll be here when you want to talk"
But one day he was having a really bad day, worse than anything he'd experienced before.
Peter barely put his head up, he wouldn't speak much to you or Ned though he was clingier than usual. Always keeping a hand in yours, making sure to rub his thumb over your knuckles at lunch.
He fell asleep in Maths and was barely aware of what was happening in Chemistry.
You did your best to sooth the poor boy by rubbing your hand up and down his back gently and pressing light kisses to the top of his head when the teacher was looking away.When Peter asked you with a quiet, small voice to come back to his, you couldn't say no.And as the two of you lay on his bed, home alone and nothing but utter silence, Peter decided to open up about what was on his mind.
"Do you remember when we started dating 2 years ago? Before I was Spider-man and before all of the... changes"
You'd nod, slightly unsure of where the conversation was heading.
You had been holding his hand the whole time, giving it reassuring squeezes, just to show Peter that you were standing by him.
"Do you ever miss the boy you were dating before the Spider bite? You know, before the physical changes, the super senses, you know"
Peters eyes were watering by this point, the bags under his eyes more noticeable making his exhaustion clear.
"You're still the same boy I fell in love with, always will be"
"I'm not, I-I'm different now Y/N and I'm not coping, I know it's been years but, I-its still hard"
Peter looked at you with glassy eyes, quivering lip and you swore you felt your heart dorp right out of your chest.
You gripped his hand, bringing his hand up to where your heart was beating and using your free hand to wipe away any fallen tears.
"I love you for you Peter, I'm not the same girl I was two years ago but you still love me. I'm here okay? I'm not leaving you"
Peter cried to you for a bit, but you didn't mind.
He was insecure, and that was okay.


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