Chapter 4

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Thank you everyone who has been reading my story and voting for it! Please comment any PLOT suggestions you have! Also I am going to change the format in which I type, kinda. Nothing big, just hitting enter more often.

Adrien POV

During the flight Nino and I watched Alya and Marinette. Nino has a crush on Alya, and even though I would never admit it to anyone but Nino, I kinda had a huge crush on Marinette. Just the way she walks, her giggle whenever she is talking with her friends, her sassy comebacks she always has, and- oh I'm sorry. I'm rambling again. Anyways, Nino and I were watching Alya and Marinette do Just Dance. "Damn..." I whispered to Nino after they finished. When he didn't respond I looked over to see him staring at Alya with a lovestruck look. I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Huh? Wha?" He jumped. I chuckled. Suddenly I heard the girls laughing so I turned to look at them again. Now they were sitting down and chatting. They weren't talking loud enough for me to understand them, but I could catch a few words.

"Did...Chris" was all I heard until Ayla smacked Marinette in the arm and basically shouted," Marinette your such a horny teenager!"

My eyes widened and I looked at Nino who was shaking his head with a knowing look. I would have to ask him about that later. I looked back over to see Marinette say something to Alya then smirk. That's the sassy attitude that I love. I love Marinette?! I quickly tapped Nino.

"Nino, dude, I need to talk to-" I was cut off by Chloe shrieking.

"I asked for VOSS WATER! This is most definitely not that! ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME WITH THIS...THIS TWO WATER! I'M GOING TO CALL DADDY!" Chloe screamed at the flight attendant.

"Chloe calm down before you shatter everybodies eardrums," Marinette snaps, after appearing out of nowhere. Chloe looked over at her and sneered.

"Oh look if it isn't Maritrash! Did you sleep your way up to first class, you slut?" (A/N there will be swearing in this BTW) Everyone gasped and turned wide eyed to look at a calm looking Marinette.

"Chloe are you sure that you are the one who should be slut shaming me? Honey we all know that the only reason that the boys in this school like you is because you sleep with them. How many guys are you dating right now again? Hmmm let's see there is Alvin, Carl, Jason. Shall I continue?" Marinette countered looking Chloe in the eyes whilst smirking. With a scream of fury, Chloe pounced at Marinette. Marinette just sidestepped and Chloe flew past her and into the crotch of a old man. "Oh my gosh, Chloe! I'm so sorry sir, is she forcing you into something that you don't want like she has done to about every guy in our school?" Everyone oohed.

"Alright, alright. Everyone back to your seats. Chloe get your face off of that mans privates, and Marinette please refrain from speaking like that again." Our teacher spoke. She did wink towards Marinette with a hint of a smile on her face.

"Anyways dude. You were saying before Chloe got put in her place?" Nino asked me. I looked around and then whispered into Ninos ear, "I think I love Marinette." Ninos head snapped towards me.

"Are you sure because I swear to god if you hurt that girl, I will personally kill you!" Nino said to me seriously.

"I'm sure dude. Oh and by the way, how come you shook your head like Marinette being called a horny teenager was a common thing?" I questioned.

"Okay dude. Listen, Marinette, Chloe, and I used to amazing friends. This was before you went to school with us. Basically, every single one of us in this class has had a crush on Marinette. And I mean everyone."

I looked at him, "Even Chloe?"

"Especially Chloe. When she was rejected, Marinette and Chloe drifted apart. Anyways, back to your question. Marinette is basically my little sister. She is actually basically everyone's little sister. Everyone in this class is extremely overprotective of her, so if you do hurt her I won't be only one out to kill you. Okay, back onto the topic at hand, Marinette is known for her dirty mind. Always had been. You have never heard someone with as dirty of a mind, or as dirty of a vocabulary. It's honestly freaky man." Nino explained.

"Oh okay." I said even though I was completely confused. All of a sudden the pilot came over the overhead and said that we would be landing soon.

This is a bit longer than last time. I'm sorry if you don't like this new writing style. It's just easier to read what I have written in my opinion. I think I am going to start doing song recommendations. Anyways, love you weirdos!


Song- Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

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