Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys. This is my very first fanfic EVER! I have read so many different types of fanfics and stuff but never really wanted to do my own. But here I am. I have seen this topic so many times and decided to do my own take of it. Well here we go. Also, just an FYI, my spelling sucks so dont mind misspelled words.

Marinette POV:

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. "Ugh." I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I quickly got dressed in a maroon long sleeved crop top with a black skirt and leggings and put my hair in its usual pigtails. I also threw on some black Converse high tops and to top it off I grabbed my adorable Pink backpack and left for school.

A/N: This is what her outfit looks like.

A/N: This is what her outfit looks like

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I made it to school on time, for once

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I made it to school on time, for once. When I got there, I scanned the area until I spotted Alya talking to her boyfriend, Nino. I quietly creeped up behind her to scare her. Right as I was about to scare her though, Alix and Kim came sprinting past me and I lost my balance. "Woah!" I shouted as I tumbled into Alya knocking her into Nino who fell on the ground under the weight of both me and Alya. "Sorry!" I heard Alix call back to us. "OMG! I am so sorry guys. I was gonna scare Alya, but I got knocked over, and I just tumbled into you guys making you fall over like human dominoes and I am so sorry for that!" I rambled, my face burning as I looked at the ground. I looked up, though, when I heard laughing coming from Alya and Nino. I looked at them puzzled just as they burst into full-blown laughter. "You should've seen your face!" Alya gasped while laughing. "Oh shut up guys," I playfully glared at Alya and punched Nino in the arm. You see, before Alya moved here, Nino and I were best buds. We used to hang out all the time, so now he is like a brother to me. "What are you guys laughing about?" Adrien walked up to us, looking at us questioningly. "Oh! Uh. W-we were laughing just me. I mean! We w-were just laughing at m-me!" I stammered blushing bright red. "What Mari was trying to say, is we were laughing at her because she was trying to scare me but ended up tripping and making Nino and I fall on the ground," Alya told Adrien whilst giving me a knowing look. He chuckled. "That sounds like Mari," Adrien said winking at me. My face must have been as red as a tomato. "Well we have to get to class. See ya dudettes!" Nino called while him and Adrien walked away. "Girl, I didn't get to say this earlier, but you are SLAYING in that outfit!" Alya exclaimed.


Just as another boring day of school was about to end, our teacher called for the attention of our class. "Students, our class was chosen to go to China for the coronation of the 2 long lost princesses. We will be gone for a month and we will be leaving on Saturday. Sadly, Max, Juleka, and Nathaniel couldn't make the trip, so they won't be with us for that month." Rose looked at Juleka sadly. "Oh I'm going to miss you Jules!" Rose exclaimed, hugging Juleka. "Well please be prepared on Saturday for our flight and I hope to see you all there. Class dismissed!" our teacher clapped her hands once and left the room.

A/N: I know that isn't much, but I think That is pretty good for my first chapter of any fanfiction EVER! So until next time, BYEEEE!


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