"Hey, Chandler, thanks for, uh, catching me back in there." Ashton said, realizing he hadn't shown proper thanks. Without Chandler there, he probably would've ended up face first on the floor, and probably even walked on.

"Oh, no problem. With the way I caught you, you would've thought we'd just finished a dance routine." Chandler replied, smiling, imagining them on Dancing With The Stars or something like that.

Ashton let out a small laugh. "Or that we were about to kiss." He added. "You know, I've never actually had my first kiss?" Chandler said, turning to face Ashton and Eli.

"Really? I have. If you count a first-grade girlfriend kiss, that is." Ashton shrugged. Eli looked at the two of them, then his face lit up like a mega-powered lightbulb.

"Ash! You should be Chandler's first kiss!" He exclaimed.

"WHAT?!?!" Both of them exclaimed back at the same time.

"Why not? I bet you're both great kissers anyway!" He smirked.

"Why would we kiss each other? Neither of us are gay!" Chandler retorted.

"It wouldn't be gay, it'd be homiesexual!" Eli said, as if they knew what he meant.

"It'd be homo-what?"

"No, not homo, HOMIEsexual. Like, for example, if Ashton were to kiss you on the lips, for the sole reason that it was so you could have a first kiss and nothing else, then it isn't even considered gay, just homiesexual." Eli explained.

"Where did you even read that?" Ashton asked in a bored tone.

"Urban Dictionary. Why?" He responded innocently.

"This is stupid. We're not going to do this." Ashton said, shaking his head.

"You realize I'll bother you about it every day until it happens...right?" Eli teased. Ashton looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and looked back to Chandler.

"I'm up for it if you're up for it, I guess." Chandler shrugged. "Ok, then... let's be two 'homiesexuals' or whatever." Ashton said. The two of them scooted closer until Ashton was sort of craning his neck to properly look Chandler in the eyes. Eli pulled out his phone to record it.

"You...you ready?" Chandler asked awkwardly, to which Ashton gave a just as awkward nod. Hesitantly, the two boys closed their eyes and leaned in, unsure what was about to happen.

Ashton flinched slightly as he felt the taller boy's lips meet his. Right as the kiss began, something inside Ashton changed. Chandler's lips were surprisingly soft, and warm. Time seemed to slow down in those few seconds. They didn't realize it yet, but neither one of them wanted to pull away now. The kiss was just lulling both of them into such a calm, and happy state that they didn't realize they were still kissing.

The pair suddenly snapped out of the trance, pulling away quickly. Eli screamed into his hands, fanboying over what just happened.

"THAT WAS SO ADORABLE, AND I GOT IT ON VIDEO!!! AHHHHHH!!!" Eli screamed more. Ashton and Chandler shared a quick stare, which turned into a long, meaningful look into each other's eyes. Both of them knew something real had just happened, but they just didn't know what.

"So, Chandler, what did you think of my 'expert kissing skills'?" Ashton asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness with jokes.

"It was great-uh, good. Yeah, it was...good." Chandler replied awkwardly, giving him a small smile.

"Anyways, it's almost 3:30, I've gotta get home and start on my homework, I'll see you guys la-nngh!" Ashton started to leave but was cut off by a sudden jolt of pain through his gut, making him groan a bit.

"Hey, Ash, you okay?" Eli asked, seeing him doubled over like that made him worried.

Ashton groaned again, looking back up to his friends. "Yeah, I-I'm-AARGHH!" He cried out, clenching his eyes shut. He suddenly became dizzy, and his body felt like it was on fire! He heard distant shouts from his friends, but couldn't make out what they were saying. But, they sounded frantic, and much louder than a normal human's voice should be.

Ashton opened his eyes after a few seconds. "Ash?! What the hell?!" He heard Eli shout from way above him. Seriously, why did he sound so loud?

Everything seemed normal, so he stood up. And screamed. Right in front of him was a shoe. But not just a shoe. A GIANT shoe. He slowly craned his neck up, and up, and up to see the now (even more) towering body of his friend, Chandler.

Chandler was looking right back down at his now minuscule friend. Even at his friend's somehow tiny size, he could still see the way Ashton was beginning to tremble from his mere presence. Chandler looked at Eli frantically, wondering just what the actual fuck was going on. Ashton was frozen for the longest time, same as his friends. He looked back up at Chandler and Eli, then did what the only thing on his mind was.

And that was to run like hell.


     God dammit I want to kiss the actual Chandler Riggs so badly

LIKE LOOK AT DIS CUTIE (This is him from 2012 he's like 18 now) AND WHENEVER I SEE HIM I'M JUST LIKE

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LIKE LOOK AT DIS CUTIE (This is him from 2012 he's like 18 now) AND WHENEVER I SEE HIM I'M JUST LIKE

ANYWAYSSSSSS, Hope you all enjoyed the first chap to this new story, also imma tag you cranky_crew_bitch so you know that it's hERE BITCH!!! Peace out my dudes!✌🏻️🍪

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ANYWAYSSSSSS, Hope you all enjoyed the first chap to this new story, also imma tag you cranky_crew_bitch so you know that it's hERE BITCH!!! Peace out my dudes!✌🏻️🍪


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