Late Night Visitors

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"Are you going somewhere Silvestre?" Asked Florette politely, noticing the crumpled clothes Silvestre was stuffing into a bag, Silvestre looked a little alarmed, but maybe it was just excitement.
" Florette-" Silvestre began
"I won't tell anyone miss, just come back safe, okay?"
"Of course Flo" she replied, winking " I always come back okay, I'm the queen of okay."

"Well at least let me smuggle you some food from cook, you can hardly fight if you're starved!" 

"Thank you" 

Florette exited the room and Silvestre slowly walked over to her bed, as if being pulled by a magnet, crouching, she revealed her hidden chest. Lingering, her fingers rested on the cold metal of the lock, taking out her key she clicked the chest open, once more gazing down at her stolen treasures. She reached for the ruby, and pocketed it.

Only as a last resort. Only if nothing else can stop her. Silvestre thought.

Before locking the chest again, Silvestre examined the orange feather, it was so soft as unusual radiating a smooth symphony of calmness, so contrasting to the foreboding sense of the ruby.

For good luck  - placing it gently in her bag, then locking and hiding the chest.


Somehow, Silvestre had given in to sleep, persuaded by Florette and Evelyn that if she was to leave Camelot she should do so in the morning when she was better rested. The wind whispered through the city and light, fluffy snow had begin to fall, drifting to the ground like feathers and melting as they touched the ground. In the luxurious covers of her bed, Silvestre slept contently. 

Gradually, she became aware of a murmuring voice, staying completely still, her ears focussed onto the words..

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I'd just listened to Ma... I don't even know why I came here, I guess I just wanted to say goodbye." 

Silvestre had sat up now, gazing at the mysterious figure at the end of her bed, head in his hands.

"Milo." She said, "You're not going anywhere without me."  

"Sil, I-"

"Explain everything." Silvestre was already pulling on some clothes and rummaging through her wardrobe, Milo's chocolate eyes darted awkwardly around the room, unsure of where to look, "Go on" Silvestre encouraged.

"She's taken Crystal. She's gone. Disappeared. I heard a commotion from outside, some guard named Leon had been attacked, I went to help him but by the time I got back to the stable house, Crystal was gone." 

"Did they leave anything?" Silvestre asked, continuing to rummage through her draws and cramping her bags full, clothing, daggers, potions, anything they might need. 

"This handkerchief, that's all. "  Silvestre stuck out her hand, Milo sighed handing it to her. Cautiously, she held it to her nose and stiffed, 

"Chloroform, lavender and some other potion, within five minutes she would've been unconscious. Not dead." 

"Why are you acting like this Silvestre?" 

"Like what?" 

"All serious, are you even listening to me!?" 

Silvestre finished pulling her jacket on, put her sword against her belt and swung the bag over her shoulder. Then she turned to look at Milo,

" This is how I act when I'm getting ready to fight. " 

"Why would you care? You can't come, She's my sister, my responsibility." 

They stared at each other, serious faces mirroring each other, though their words were angry their eyes were just.. sad. 

"This is my Kingdom, I have responsibility too." Silvestre replied, then softening her voice and drawing closer to Milo, she said "We do this together or not at all. Don't you understand? If you care, then I care." 

So there they stood, gazing at each other, for a moment mesmerised by the feeling of the magical bond they shared, hands grasped, ready to fight together. Beautiful really. But then they remembered who they were and awkwardness fell upon them, they shifted away from each.

"Anyway, um.. we best  go to the stables and get riding before the city wakes. With the snow it'll be easy enough to track them but we need to go quickly." Silvestre explained as she headed for the door. 

"Wait, Sil.." Milo protruded a golden locket from his pocket, " this locket is enchanted so that if we were separated, or if you needed help, which I know is unlikely, you can touch it and I'll know where you are. " Pressing it into Silvestre's palm, "Try it." Silvestre wrapped her fingers around the oval pendant feeling the intricate etches in the metal, 

Its telepathic see. 

Thanks Milo, now we'd better get going. Wouldn't want my brother to find us sneaking around in the dark.

Letting go of the pendant, Silvestre clipped it around her neck smiling at Milo. Together they headed for the out of the castle to the stables. 

Silvestre PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now