Welcome, Kailin (2)

Start from the beginning

Naruto grins. "Alright! This is gonna be awesome! Believe it!" He exclaims. Gaara smiles softly at the boy. "This is my prank book. It's where I get most of my pranks from. Call me the prankster of the village," Naruto says with a proud smile on his face. "Although I don't dare pull a prank on my birthday. It's the one day I try to stay in my house," he says sadly.

"Why stay in? You have a beautiful village," Gaara says.

"It may be beautiful, but it's very ugly when you figure out its secrets. look underneath the underneath, and you will surprised at how many dirty secrets this 'beautiful' village has," Naruto says.

Gaara scoffs. "It's not as bad as Sunagakure," he says. "Look, Naruto. Today is your birthday. You deserve some sort of happiness," he says softly.

Naruto frowns. It had been the first anyone had ever said that to him. it makes his heart swell up. "Okay, Gaara-kun. Let's look through the book and see what we can do today."

(Location: Outskirts of Uzushiogakure)

Kailin left Uzushiogakure an hour ago. Walking with his head down, he endures the constant chatter of the two in his head.

'Oh, Minato! I wonder what our boys look like. Today's their birthday too. They're eleven now! So grown up!'

'Calm down, Kushina. We'll see our boys soon.'

'I can't wait to pummel the Fourth Kazekage into the ground!'

'Hiruzen as well. He lets the foolish villagers hurt our youngest. That man.'

'So called 'Professor', huh?'

'He will die soon.'

'Very, very soon.'

'You two are too sadistic. I'm blocking you.'

Kailin blocks the connection and continues on in silence. He wipes off beads of sweat that pours down his face.

It is abnormally hot, and Kailin isn't prepared. 'These brats better be worth it.'

'Did you just call our children brats?!'

'Kushina, darling...'


(Location: Unknown)

"Dango is sure taking his time, huh?"

"Patience is virtue, little ..."

"I'm not little!"

"You sure ...?"

"Gr, ...!"

"...-sama. Am I allowed to experiment on this brat yet?"

"No, ..."

"If I may ask, why?"

"Now is not the time."

"Of course, ...-sama."

(Location: Konohagakure; Naruto's Apartment)

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