Never Again (28)

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(Location: Konohagakure; Hokage's Tower; Hokage's Office)

Naruto's eyes were wide as he looks at the familiar boy. "Menma," he says quietly.

Sei tilts his head to the side. "It's 'Sei' now," he says. He clears his throat. "My brothers and I have come to help in the war," he says, crossing his arms with a scowl.

Shin rolls his eyes at the youngest of his brothers. "Orochimaru and Danzo are involved in war which means that we will be aiding you," he says. He frowns deeply. "Danzo is the reason my brothers and I were separated. He manipulated our father into throwing out Sei, and he made Sai 'kill' me," he says.

"As for Orochimaru, I just want to kill him," Sei says with a smirk.

Shin rolls his eyes. "Sei, quiet," he says with a glare.

Sei chuckles nervously.

Sai sighs in annoyance. "You two are giving me a headache," he says with a fake smile.

Gaara crosses his arms. "I forgot all about Danzo. What should we do about him?" he asks his twin.

Naruto taps his chin as looks at the Omitsu boys. He then sighs. "You three will be in charge of killing the mummy," he says with a smile.

Sei grins sadistically. "Fantastic," he says with a smirk. Shin glares at him darkly, making the youngest Omitsu sibling gulp in fear. "What I mean is, I'm sure my siblings and I can handle it."

Sai bows his head. "Thank you for hearing us out," he says with a grateful smile.

Shin places his hands on his brothers' shoulders. He directs them out the room, leaving the nine jinchuuriki and Hokage alone in the office.

Tsunade takes a swig of the bottle of sake.

(Location: Outside Konohagakure's Gates)

Sasuke waits patiently on a tree branch. He sighs. He listens to the birds chirping in the nest nearby.

The quiet crunch of leaves makes his ears twitch. He glances down at the blond below him.

"Sasuke?" Naruto calls out quietly. "Sasuke. Where are you?" he asks.

He yelps in shock as a twig hits the top of his head. He blinks owlishly as he looks up at the black haired male.

Sasuke smirks down at his lover. "Naruto."

Naruto sighs in content, a sweet smile gracing his features. "Come down here, my love," he says cheerfully.

Sasuke hops down and immediately wraps the blond up in his arms.

Naruto purrs as the warmth envelopes him. He kisses Sasuke's jaw sweetly. "What's going on over there?" he asks softly.

Sasuke's hold tightens. "Didn't give me a time," he says. "I fear I won't be able to tell when exactly."

"When this is all over, we can have a child," Naruto says, changing the subject.

Sasuke pulls away and looks down at his boyfriend with sad eyes. "Are you sure you want to go through that again? We lost Boruto before you even reached your second trimester. I don't want you to go through that again."

Naruto bites his lip. His miscarriage scarred him for life, but he needed to move on. His baby boy that was never born was lost to him before he could even hold him. His hand rubs his flat belly. "I want to give you a child. I was careless before. This time, the upcoming war will be over. Our baby will be born in a peaceful world."

Sasuke nods. "Of course, my darling."

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