She fished out her phone from her uniform's pocket and decided to take a snap of the majestic sight. She took one photo, but it was blurry and so she took another. It was out of focus. By the third time she positioned camera facing the sunrise, she made sure to tap the screen to achieve focus. As she did so, Yuzuru's smiling face came out of nowhere.

Her thoughts were like, Yuzuru was smiling at me. He was standing a good five feet from where she stood. He looked glorious, the morning sun rays surrounding his flower boy good-looking face.

It wouldn't have been nice saying "Hi," to him but that would make her look like a fool greeting the midair and ending up talking to herself. She remembered that he had not called yet and he was probably still in Hongkong at the moment.

You're hallucinating now, huh. Nice. She shook her head and kept her phone back to her pocket. She started walking again, feeling sorry and pathetic. She had so much to do today.

So Yuna sighed deeply and started walking again. As she took her steps forward, the apparition held her in the arm and greeted her, "Good morning, Yuna!"

Her eyes widened in horror as she felt his warm hands against her skin. She had the instinct to pull off her arm from his grip. She looked up and saw it smiling. Her eyes were not the only ones playing tricks at her, her other senses were obviously working togetger to betray her.

Her skin felt his touch, her ears heard his voice, and her nose smelled his cologne. When the apparition smiled at her, she punched him in the face screaming, "Get away from me!" as she closed her eyes. She felt a jolt when her knuckles hit the face hard.

But when the guy cried in pain, "Awwww! What was that for?" He yelled in annoyance.

His angry voice sounded sexy. Yuna opened her eyes and saw Yuzuru holding the side of his face which she punched. His lower lip was bleeding.


Instead of going to their classroom, the two decided to head for the school clinic to tend Yuzuru's wound. They were quiet on the way there and merely spoke to each other when they arrived at the clinic. Yuna couldn't even look at him in the eyes while he did not even say a word to her. He answered all the nurse's questions instead.

When his cut had been treated, and the nurse had gone back to her table, Yuna stood up to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, touching the side of his wound.

Yuna stared back and saw his rugged state which made him dangerously handsome. She tore her gaze away from him. "I'm going to the classroom." She said quietly.

"Get yourself treated." He said with a voice of concern.

She transferred her gaze back to him. He grabbed her right hand which hit his face earlier. It was only then Yuna realised that she her knuckles were also bleeding. After all, Yuzuru wouldn't have bled if it didn't come from a huge blow.

They stayed for few more minutes for Yuna to be treated.


Yuzuru wouldn't stop looking at her as they stepped out the school clinic. Yuna knew that it would take them sometime to reach their classroom at the third floor by just walking.

So she tried to figure out a way to escape from him. She was so embarrassed about what happened earlier and it seemed like he was so mad at her. His eyes were sending daggers at her direction, she could see it from her peripheral vision.

It was still early and students just started to arrive. When she saw that there was a turn before they reached the staircase, she turned. The path lead to the backyard of the school where there were no students at the vicinity.

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