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Ronnie's prov:

I sighed from being stress with all the drama from my bitchy girlfriend Christy,  Jesus Christ she bugs me so damn much like fuck lady just leave me alone! I just got out of a phone call from her she was telling me about her friend telling her to stop being a bitch she was like "and omg babe, Zoe was like you need to stop being such a snoppy bitch and I was like "at least I'm not a whore like you." I'm so glad I don't have to deal with her voice for the rest of the day because she has errands to do for the rest of the day. I got up from laying down in my bed and went to the park across the street from my house. I love being alone and being in a quiet place well I thought I was alone until I saw a figure sitting on the bench. I started walking to the bench and saw that the figure wanted to run I kept getting close and saw it was a guy. "Hey there" "h-hi..... " said the figure his voice was husky and low it sound so damn hot I almost got lost out of words "you okay?" I asked "uh yeah I guess.... Why are you talking to me?" he asked "I was just gonna take a walk but saw you here and thought you would wanna talk. Plus I'm bored and well yeah" I laughed he laughed too. God that laugh is fucking sexy I thought

My Unbroken Boy (Andy Biersack and Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now