- june 4th 2018 -

598 47 1

The Knights villa, Marseilles, France:

I let a large and loud groan leave my lips as I stretch out my limbs in bed, a yawn escapes me again while I turn over to grab my phone from the bedside table.

"Why?" I sigh when I see the time I have woken up at. Why did my body wake me up so early? It's only eight in the morning and I did have a late-night last night... I stayed up watching Netflix till the early hours of the morning because I couldn't sleep due to the jetlag I have.

I hear noises outside my door, thank gosh I am not the only one up so early. But seeing as I am on holiday, I deserve a lie in. I roll back over and scroll through my phone to pass the time away. After spending almost half an hour in bed, I finally push myself up and grab an over sized hoodie to throw on over my light pajama top and shorts. I climb down the stairs and walk towards the balcony where everyone sits having their breakfast, I flop down beside Cole who is already dressed for the beach.

"Macie, what are you doing today?" I hear my father ask when I get comfortable to eat my breakfast.

"Um," I start as I reach over to grab myself a pain au chocolat to eat. "Most likely staying in or going to the beach with Nick."

"Great!" My father says with a burst of energy and claps his hands. "You'll be taking William on a little tour of the city today."

"What?!" I exclaim with a mouthful of food, my eyes wide at my father's announcement.

"You heard me correct, William has asked to see around the town and we're all busy apart from you. So, that means you're going to take him on the tour." My mouth has dropped to the ground when my father tells me this. Is he serious? Why me? Can't my stupid brother do it?

"Can't he go himself?" I ask still in shock at my father's words.

"No, he can't. William has never been here before, where as you have been here since you were born, so you're taking him whether you like it or not. No more debating on this matter." I grumble at my father's words and shove the rest of my pain au chocolat into my mouth before I say something I'll regret.

"You can take him to lunch at the little cafe down in the town square." My mother interjects and I reach for more food to eat. I am trying my hardest not to speak out what I am thinking, I keep shoving bits of food into my mouth so I don't have to answer anyone or say what I want to.

"I'll pay, I am taking time out of your day to show me around." William says sheepishly, a small smile on his lips when I turn to him. I look at him with my mouth full of food, my cheeks pushed out and my eyes narrowing in on him. I keep my eye on him when I eat more of the food, oh I would love to say what my thoughts are thinking but I don't need to be in my parents' bad books the rest of the summer holiday.

"Macie, can you stop eating please?" I turn to my father with my eyes narrowing in on his too and go to grab another croissant in retaliation. As my hand grasps the croissant, it is slapped out of my hand by Cole.

"Oi." I shout out as best as I can with a mouthful of food, Cole slaps my hand again as I reach for another croissant.

"You'll get fat." Cole says grabbing the croissant I had in my hand.

I swallow my food and glare at Cole. "So will you. Oh, wait. Is that flub I am seeing on you?" I say reaching out to tug the skin on his stomach, my eyes glaring into his dark ones.

SUMMER [ WILLIAM NYLANDER ] Where stories live. Discover now