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Requested by @crydiamon. Hope you like this! It's based on miniladd's video of hand simulator with nogla

P.s. sorry for not updating much I have had a lot of stuff happening and it distracted me

Mini's pov:


I laughed as I shot david first in the game, we were playing hand simulator and our characters looked really retarded and it makes it more funny. Playing with David makes it more enjoyable for me to be with him. I sort of have a little crush on him for awhile now, he makes me happy and he's pretty handsome too. "Yeah! I win!" I cheered as nogla raged at me.

At the next round I was trying to get my hand on the gun when I heard nogla grunt "it's kinda of difficult to do this when I have only one fucking arm!" I look over at his character and started laughing "what happened to your arm?!" I asked between laughter. "I don't know!" Nogla said chuckling. After a few rounds we ended the game and chatted for a little. I was editing my video while talking to him "hey Craig?" "Yeah?" " I know this might be random but...uh...do you like anyone?" I froze. "I-um....yes but why?" I asked nervously. "Just a little curious that's all, who do you like?" He said but his tone of voice was deeper, "it's a little embarrassing....." "don't worry man I won't judge or tell anyone I promise" "I don't think I can make a promise with you david" I said slightly smiling "hey! I can keep a promise it's just between us okay?"

I took a deep breath and sighed "I like you...." I finally said, i didn't hear the Irish say anything I was scared of what his reaction was. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence he spoke, "really?" David said blinking in surprise "Yeah because you're funny and you keep me company when I have no one to play with plus you're kinda handsome..." I said trailing off the last part. I looked down "Craig...." He started i looked up at the screen "I like you too" I felt forming of a blush run through my cheeks "r-really?" I said smiling a little "yeah, you're cute and I love hearing your laughs, you're special to me." My face is all pink hearing his voice. "Craig I love you so much, I want ye to be mine"

My smile got bigger and nodded even though he couldn't see me I think he knows I'm happy. "Yes I'll be yours Davey. I love you too.." we talked to each other for the whole day and said our love you's to each other before going to bed. Once I was my pajamas and into bed I received a text from David

David ❤️ : I'll see you soon love

Me: I can't wait

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