Treat you better - daithidelui

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Another lovely request by @AWolfsjourney. Lui has been abused by his boyfriend Justin so he finally runs away after Justin rapes him and goes to davids house, then a few weeks later David decides to confess his love to Lui.

Lui's pov:

"P-please Justin STOP!" I screamed as he kept hitting, kicking, and punching me. We got into a fight because I got home late from work and there was traffic on the way home, "shut the hell up you slut! I know you've been fucking around with that man!" He screamed as I tried the rest of my strength to push him back he only stumbled slightly backwards. "I wasn't doing anything Justin! Why do always think that?!"

Justin froze and gave me a death glare. I realized what I did was a mistake. "Did you just fucking scream at me?" I couldn't say anything I was too scared to move my lips or my body. He went up to my face and grabbed it roughly "Don't. Ever. Scream. At. Me. Understand?!" Then slapped me as hard as he can and it stung like a thousand bees stung me at once. I landed on the floor and looked up at him scared. He huffed and went outside and slammed the door. I curled up and cried. Wishing for it all to go away, I can't escape.

Three days later

I was washing the dishes trying to distract myself from the fight days after. This was not the Justin I knew before after I started dating him, he was sweet but months later he was an alcoholic and always harassed, abused, and almost raped me once. But when he isn't around I talk to David, he's so caring, charming, and I have even developed feelings for him a little. But I have Justin. David does know that I'm dating him but not the abuse he's giving me.

I sighed as I sat down on the chair. As I was in the middle of thinking I received a text from David.

David: hey squeaker! Wanna play gmod?

I smiled, he always brightens me up.

Me: yeah sure!

I set up Xbox and opened up the program, I waited for David and his character popped up "hey Lui!" He chirped I chuckled "hi David" we did some random stuff like blowing things up, going on missions, and nogla raging etc. I laughed as he kept on failing at stuff and yelling out random words. I swear he's so cute, wait did I just call him cute? I was lost in my thinking and snapped out of it when nogla was calling me. "Lui!" "What?" I say laughing.

"I asked you how have you been with Justin?" Oh him. "Well uh...we've been great Justin he..." I trailed off "he's what Lui?" "Oh um nothing nevermind" "ok then" David said in a concerned tone. We played a little bit more then we stopped and said our goodbyes, I turned off skype and leaned back in my chair running my hands through my hair. I just can't tell him about the abuse I just can't something's holding me back from saying the truth. I sighed and went upstairs and lied on the bed thinking about how long will I last here in this hell,  how can I escape? I can't.

Timeskip to nighttime

It was around 11:00 pm and I've been waiting for Justin to come home from work. I'm sitting on the couch tapping my foot and looking at the clock, I grumbled then hear the door opened revealing a drunk Justin. "Where were you?!" I yelled he gave me a glare "I just went to the bar that's all" he pushed past me and sat on the couch "you should've called me!" I screamed and he stands up "what did I say about yelling at me you little fucker" he comes close to me but I backed up "I don't care cause I'm leaving" I turned to the door but he grabbed my wrist "L-let go!" I demanded "you're not going anywhere slut you stay here and forever!" He throws me over his shoulders.

"Hey let me go!" I screamed as I punched and kicked him as much as I could. He threw me on the bed and grabbed my throat "I'm gonna punish you slut" he ripped my shirt off and roughly pulled down my pants and boxers. He took off his clothing and he began biting my neck rough that it hurts. I squirmed around trying to get out of his grip "please stop I don't want it!" I cried out he rolled his eyes and thrusts in me dryly I screamed in pain. I cried and screamed telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen and he came inside me then passed out. I was shaking so much after that torture, I needed to get out now.

I finally got myself together and put my clothes back on and packed my stuff then quickly ran out of the house, the cool air comforted me a little. But I was still scarred from that experience,tears run down my face once again from the flashbacks, I didn't have anywhere else to go so I called David "h-hello?" He groaned "Hey David" "Lui it's almost midnight why are you calling me at this time?" I cried slightly then answered "j-j-Justin was drunk a-and he-" I trailed of crying "what did he do Lui?" He says in a angry voice "he raped me!" I cried out, tears pouring out of my eyes. "Lui listen to me, I'm going to get you stay where you are and I'll be there in a few minutes" "o-ok" I sniffled

David came and he hugged me. I cried in his chest as he soothed me. He led me to his car and drove us to his house, we both sat down on the couch "Lui tell me the truth has Justin been abusing you?" I look up at him and I wanted to stay silent so I nodded my head. "For how long?" "A few months after we started dating" davids eyes widened and he hugged me again and I embraced the hug. I never wanted to let go.

A few weeks later

After David rescued me from justin I was more happy than ever I was now living with David and it was much better. I was sitting on the couch with the dogs when David came in and sat with me "hey Dave" "hi Lui watcha doin?" "Mmm nothing much just cuddling with the doggies" David chuckled "hey Lui?" I looked up at his shining eyes "yeah?"

"I love you"

My eyes widened and my face flushed pure red. "I know you're recovering from the abuse but I couldn't hold ba-" I leaned up and kissed him "wha.." "i love you too David I have for a little bit when I was with Justin" his eyes were full of love and his leaned and kiss me back and deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he began kissing my neck but then he stopped "are you sure about this lui? we don't have to" I kiss him again "of course I wanna do it with you" David smirked "then let's take it to the bedroom~" he purred I giggled as he carried me.

There's gonna be a part 2 to this soon maybe hope y'all like it!

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