That's My Dad Tag

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"You guys have requested that I do a video where I ask my son questions about myself to see if he knows the answer. If you are wondering where Aaron is; he is behind the camera" Robert says into the camera. Aaron waves from behind the camera.

"What's your name age, buddy?" Robert asks his son.

"I'm Seb and I'm three" Seb says showing the camera three fingers.

"Okay lets get started with the questions"

What's my favorite food?

What do I say the most?
I love you so much to me and daddy Aaron

What is my favorite drink?

What is my favorite thing to do?
Spend time with Aaron, Liv and me

What game do I like to play?
You don't play any games that I know of.

"Your right I don't play any games" Robert says knowing his son was watching him all day everyday.

What makes me upset?
When someone picks on somebody you love and care deeply about

What do I do that makes you happy?
Just being there for me when I fall down

If I was a Disney Prince, who would I be?
You would Prince Charming,because you are daddy Aaron's Prince Charming.

How old am I?
Daddy Aaron said you are an old man

"Thanks Aaron, but no bud daddy's 31. Nice try though" Robert says staring at Aaron off camera.

What food do I make the best?

What is my job?
Being the best daddy ever and running a haulage business

"Thanks for watching. This has been the this is my dad tag with my son Seb. See you next week with another video; this time with Aaron. Bye guys". Robert says into the camera.

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