The Husband Tag

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"Hey guys Robron here. You guys have requested that we do the husband tag. Lets get into it.

How did you meet?
He was in the Woolpack where I lived. Him and his ex wife Chrissie were having a drink. Then he faked his car breaking down and called me to come help him fix it so he could see me again.

Where was your first date?
I took him to a gay bar which he hated by the way.

What was your first impression of each other?
Robert: I thought he was handsome and I wanted to get to know him some more.

Aaron: I thought that he was handsome also and I just wanted to make him mine.

How long have you been together?
3 years

"This is not counting the many breaks we took" Aaron says after Robert answered the question.
Your spouses worst habit...
Robert: cutting himself

Aaron: being manipulative

"I'm getting better at that you gotta admit that" Robert says to Aaron after he answered the question. "Yeah he is getting better at that" Aaron admits.
Best quality
Aaron: His ability to cook amazing food

Robert: His kind heartedness

What is your spouses favorite kind of food?
Aaron: Mexican

Robert: Italian

Whats your "song"?
We don't have one

"I like to think we have one" Robert says. "We don't have a song Robert, so stop saying we do" Aaron says laughing knowing Robert is never going to let that go.

"Hope you guys enjoyed the Husband Tag. See you next week when we post another video. Bye guys. Aaron says into the camera before getting up and putting his hand over the camera lens.

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