Kuro Shi

412 5 1

A girl with many secrets,  Kuro Shi is a intelligent, beautiful  and sassy girl with her older brother by her side.

Kuro Shi is within the group of friends that are known as the "Rulers" of the school.
The group consists of the wealthy Shirogane twins, Shirogane Hanako and Shirogane Keigi. Kuro Shi's older brother is known as Kuro Akuma, the bad boy of the group. The last three are known as Akise Yuki, the guy that all girls fall for,  Kaede Akashi,  the shy, nerdy, introverted girl and Anthony Michel better known as  Mike,  the trasferee from the United States.

Kuro Shi has natural white hair but she dyed the tips of the hair a deep maroon. She is usually seen in her wine colored top, dark grey skirt, knee high socks and dark grey boots.

Kuro Shi's voice is alittle bit medium high pitched.


"Please, like I'll fall for something as stupid and simple as that. " (sassy, annoyed)

"Geez, must I do everything for you two? "
(Annoyed, angry, )

" You'd really give this to me?  Thank y-  I-i mean, Sure whatever."

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