Chapter 34: first walk

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We've all been trying to get Lily and Ryan to walk. Ryan is the one that learns quick, but Lily it takes her while. One day while all of us were just hanging out Ryan yelled from the kitchen where he's at with Riker he yelled "daddy!"

I was wondering what's wrong so I walked into the kitchen to see this.

I was wondering what's wrong so I walked into the kitchen to see this

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Riker was helping Ryan walk "what happened?"

Riker said "nothing Ryan just got scared a moment there!"

I looked down and Ryan was just having fun learning to walk with daddy's help.

"Come here my baby boy!"

"Mama!" Ryan walked super fast to me with out Rikers  help.

"Oh there's my big boy good job!"

Ryan yelled "yeah!" Because he was happy that he can walk now. Rydel ran in with Lily cradled in her arms laughing "what happened?"

"Nothing Ryan's just walking now!"

"Really show me bubby! (I put Ryan down on his feet and Rydel handed me Lily while she backed up a little) come here Ry . . . . (Ryan walked into Rydels arms) oh your such a big boy yes you are!"

Rydel tickled his stomach and mad him laugh so hard. Lily was wiggling in my arms saying she wants down. Once I put her down on her feet she looked up at me and I took her hands to help her walk like Riker was doing with Ryan. Then all the sudden she let go of my hand and tried it by herself. But it didn't work to well she fell on her butt hard and started to cry. I tried to pick her up but she yelled "dada!" Riker picked her up and said "shh shh shh it's ok princess!"

"Dada!" Lily was rubbing the bottom of her back.

"Riker bring Lily in the front room a moment!"

"Ok . . . . What for?"

I didn't say anything to the what for.

"Put lil on her stomach!"

"Ok . . . ." Riker put Lily down on her stomach. Once she was down I lifted her shirt and there was a bruze and swelling on the bottom of her back.

"Oh gosh Rik . . . ." Riker looked at the bruze and ran in to get a ice pack. As he ran away Lily yelled "dada!"

"I'll be right back princess!(When Riker came back he had an ice pack covered in paper towel) now princess this is probably gonna feel really cold, but you have to keep it on your back for awhile."

Riker slowly put the ice pack on her back and she screamed from the coldness she felt "Dada it's cold!"

"I know baby that's what I said . . . ."

Soon the ice started to melt, so Riker had to take it to the freezer to refreeze the ice. As he came back in he asked if it helped any?

"Um . . . . It looks like it did . . . . Is the pain gone baby?"

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