Chapter 13: Surprise

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When I got to my apartment I heard something going on in there. I unlocked it and guess what I saw? It was my ex best friend Steph on top of Braden and moaning like crazy. Once they noticed that I was home Steph got off of Braden for a second and Braden asked "hey Kat want a three some?"

Steph said "surprise!"

I shook my head trying to wish that this wasn't real. That I didn't just see that, and hear what came out of Braden's mouth.

"No of course not!"

"Really because I heard from Steph that you have a huge crush on me?"

"No Braden I don't want a three some, and no I don't have a crush on you no more!"

Braden had a surprised look on his face as Steph got up and said "wait you finally picked didn't you? (I had a weird look wondering what she's meaning then she said)
Your dating Riker aren't you?"

"None of your business Stephanie were not friends anymore. So you don't get to know anything else about me!"

"Oh really because I know one thing that you don't have to tell me. That happened in your life because you didn't believe me to stay away from Ross!"

"Wait how . . . . Nevermind I don't need to know how!"

"Well I'm going to tell you anyway . . . . I'm the one that gave Ross that drug and he actually gave it to you. I was actually hoping that it'd kill you like it did the others, but that Riker saved your pathetic life! I was in the crowd of people when Riker came down with you in his arms. I was totally going crazy, because I was wishing no one would save you from Ross cluches!"

I slapped her which I shouldn't have done because she started to beat me up and it was worse then last time. I had a broken arm and leg bruzes around my ribs and face with a few slits across my cheek, around my ribs, and chest. After Steph got that out she said "Braden let's go! Maybe this time I got you!"

Braden got up took her hand and kissed her before leaving my apartment. After I noticed they were gone I easily got up and took my phone out of my purse. I was about to call Riker when I noticed it was pretty late. I just put up my phone and got the rest the way up. I went to the restroom to take a quick shower and get into my pajamas.

During the shower I was crying my eyes out because of the hot water hitting the cuts. I really wanted to be in rikers arms right about now. I couldn't wake him just because of the horrible moment I just had. I got out and put rikers favorite pajamas I've worn in front of him on  and headed to bed. The next morning I was still up didn't get any sleep because of the pain. I heard my phone going off the song falling for you by R5 which is rikers ringtone so I know when it's him. I didn't want to awnser because I known he'd notice threw my voice something was wrong. I still did because I needed to hear his soft loving voice.


"Hey beautiful how are you this morning?"

"Um . . . . I don't know how to awnser that!"


I sent him a photo of all of my injuries from the fight. While Riker was on speaker he kept trying to get me to awnser and I wouldn't. Then he got my text with the photos of my injuries and said "are these . . . ."

"Yeah there me right now!"

"What? What happened?"

"Can you come over and I'll tell you when you get here!"

"Yeah I'll be right over love you baby!"

"Love you to!"

I ended the call and after a half an hour he got to my apartment. I limped to the door looked through the peephole and saw it was Riker. I opened the door and limped straight into his arms. I started to cry and said "I've needed this since last night, but I didn't want to wake you!"

"You could have I would have been right over!"

I couldn't smile because of the pain but he known I would have if I could. Riker picked me up and carried me to my bed. I was still crying he was rubbing my back and finally asked "what happened baby?"

"Steph was here with Braden when I got home!"

"Oh no . . . . she did this to you? (I knotted again)"

Riker had a really worried face. "She said all this mean stuff like she never was my friend, and she's the one that's been giving Ross the drugs he uses on the girls!"

"Really? (I knotted riker noticed i was really weak and about to pass out then he picked me up again and said) I'm taking you to the hospital now!"

I leaned my head on his shoulder as he took me to his car.

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