part 1

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Khushi don't run dammit stop There i said stop arnav shouting
But here khushi is running out from arnav room arnav again shout I will not leave you khushi if I catch you dammit you are mine only mine dammit


Arnav dad and khushi mother sister and brother when they children they parents killed by business enemies
Nani and buaji take care them now arnav is number one  big business man in the world... He is out said asr... In home chote...arnavji, Bhai , Saale Sahab
He love khushi so much... Arnav is so possessive and so protective to khushi he don't like khushi talk with other man or smiling he want khushi only talk with him or smile  and share everything ,he never want to lose her any cost
He love her so mush he always protect khushi from all danger her behave was like his mother so he don't want to lose her mother again he call khushi doll when she child she was like a doll so he call her doll.. He don't like if anyone call her doll he only have the right to call her like that...

Khushi from  her heart like a baby... She never want to hurt anyone.... She was like a beuterfly... Always she keep smile on her face and other's face to... She like happiness to their family she little scared to arnav because his angry, possession  one over obsessed She also have feel on arnav but she fear of arnav obessed .. Everyone love khushi so mush.... She was angle to her family


"Khushiji why are you running like this" anjali asked with confuse and worried. When she coming from kitchen to living hall she saw khushi coming running down... Khushi stop where she running and turn and look anjali and Breathing heavily she try to catch her breath "di.... Di... Woo she try to talk..... Anjali come near khushi and said "shhh princess relax..." She cupping her face and ask with worried voice " are you OK ,what happened why are you running like this...." Khushi made baby face and nod her head... "No"

"Then what happened" she thought something and ask did chote did something.... But here no reply....
"What did he did, she quickly get worried when khushi not answer her question...

Here khushi Remembering just sometime go what happened. When she went arnav room to gave his tea he always what to drink khushi hand made tea... So she take the tea cup and went to his room ....
Slowly she enter inside the room and look around arnav but arnav not in his room she thought where he is went she keep the tea cup on the table and went near to the pool side door and look out said She could not see him there also
She thought where he is went and she turn to go inside but suddenly arnav come in frond khushi get crash and khushi going to fall backward and her back hit on the well... Arnav come so close and he  keep his both hand on the wall and leans near khushi and Whisper in husky voice "good morning my beautiful doll " khushi try to came from arnav hold and she said in shivering voice "leave me arnavji I want to go down
"OK you can go but now where my morning wish" he asking looking in her beautiful eyes " khushi said " first you leave me arnavji then I will wish you" arnav hold khushi in his arm tightly and said " Don't you even think about I will leave you?, It does not even happen in dreams,OK now leave it all this and wish me"
It is not easy to talk with arnav so she thought to wish him and leave from here quickly she slowly whisper "good morning arnavji" and try to go from there but arnav again hold her in his arma and said khushi you always got one thinks in your mind you always mine only mine, are you got it... " he asking  looking her eyes deeply, here khushi get fear of arnav possessive and obsessed and she push arnav are side and run out arnav get shock for her sudden push and he get rage and shout Khushi don't run dammit stop There i said stop arnav shouting
But here khushi is running out from arnav room arnav again shout I will not leave you khushi if I catch you dammit you are mine only mine dammit

To be continued............

please forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes.

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