Truth or Dare? - Chapter Three

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Truth or Dare? - Chapter Three

Following through with my lie, I demanded my parents and I had a real family night since we hadn't had one in forever, Caleb was right. No matter how much I didn't like to admit Caleb knew everything that went on in my life including my relationship with my parents. Caleb seemed to know everything on everyone in Berryville, or better know as my hometown population of 942 people. 

My body was soaking every minute of the family time up, I missed this feeling. Although I wasn't eating because my stomach was still feeling queasy and I didn't want to push my luck, I enjoyed spending this time with my parents.

"Addison you look a little pale dear, is something wrong?" Leave it to my all knowing mother that I wasn't feeling well. I really didn't want to make this dinner about me and leave my parent's worrying so my answer was one to accommodate. 

"No I just forgot to take my iron pills this morning." Accepting my answer my mother smiled and continued on eating. 

My body didn't make enough Iron so I had to take iron pills, which are just basically vitamins or I get sick. Of course I had actually taken my iron pill this morning and throw it right back up but I wasn't about to tell my mother that.

Without more than a mere goodnight I bid my parent's a far well and headed straight to my room to enjoy the peace and quiet it brings me. 

Reflecting back on the past events, mainly me and Caleb fornicating at Brandon's house nearly 3 1/2 weeks ago. I remembered something that had me frozen in shock, Caleb didn't use a condom and I wasn't on birth-control. 

Before I got ahead of myself I grabbed my phone and checked the date, my period was 1 week late, I was never late.

"Mom!" I heard chairs scrap and footsteps shortly followed leading to my room. My mother and father burst in looking to see the reason for me screaming my mothers name. 

The water works shortly followed against my own will and before I knew it I began puking. My mother rushed towards me and grabbed my hair while soothingly rubbing my back as I puked across my bed onto the carpet. 

Calming my self down, I reminded myself no matter what happens my parents are there to support me 100% and babies are miracles from God. All though at the moment I was praying to God I wasn't pregnant.

"Mom, I think I'm pregnant." My mother soothing words and gentle hands stopped soothing me and I was left to sit and wait in silence for their disappointed response. 

"Oh hunny is that why you have been so sick? You could have told your momma you know I am here no matter what, your father too." I was instantly relieved no matter what happened with Caleb, whether it be he want's nothing to do with his child or he is going to be there, my parents where going to help me and at that moment that was all that matter to me. 

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