Truth or Dare - Chapter Two

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Truth or Dare - Chapter Two

Bending over the toilet for the fifth time this evening I was getting worried.

What was wrong with me?

I didn't feel sick and I didn't have a fever, maybe I just ate something bad? Whatever the case was throwing up all the time wasn't very fun and with as many bathroom breaks as I was taking my mother was getting more and more worried. Luckily I had talked her out of taking me to the doctor, I absolutely hate doctors.

Getting up from the uncomfortable position on the toilet I decided it would be best to brush my teeth. The next few minutes I spend wiping off the evidence of puke off the toilet seat and brushing my teeth.

Maybe I needed to go to the doctor even though I would like to do anything but.

Walking into my room and threw myself into the comfort of my bed that seemed to be calling my name.

The vibration of my phone in my pocket had me reaching to get it and open the text.

'We are all getting together tonight are you in? - Caleb' It had been awkward between Caleb and I, well at least on my part.

I couldn't look at him the same way since we had sex nearly 3 weeks ago, and know I knew what it meant to have a truly awkward situation. Caleb and I spoken only when necessary like his text to me for example.

'My mom and dad want to have a family dinner tonight, sorry. -Addison' I hated lying to people but I don't think I look Caleb in the face right now and not ball my eyes out, or the latter - which was to puke.

Less than a minute later my phone vibrated again.

'Come on Addie I know your just trying to avoid me, you don't have family dinners. -Caleb'

My fingers began to numbly reply. 'Even if I didn't have a family dinner - which I do, I'm sick. - Addison'

'Incoming call Caleb'

Was he ever going to give up? Is he trying to torture me?

Against my better judgment I answered.


"Are you alright Addie?"

"I'm fine Caleb I just have a family dinner and am not feeling well."

"Addie don't make things awkward between us and ignore me."

"Even if I wanted to come and somehow get out of going to dinner I'm sick. I don't really want to go over there and just puke my guts out."

"Alright. We are having another get together this next weekend, be there. It doesn't have to be awkward between us like your making it....." Beep beep beep.

Did he really just hang up?

Great so now I have to be there next weekend or they will know something is up.

I wont have the excuse of being sick forever.

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