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Lexi's POV:

"Lex! Lex wake up!"

"What Izzy?" I asked groggily.

"There is a women downstairs that wants to adopt you!"

I flew out of bed.

"What?!" I screamed.

"Yeah. And she is really pretty.... To be honest she kinda looks like you?"

I got up and went to my closet.

Well I guess I should tell you about myself. My name is Lexi Johnson. I'm 15 years old and an orphan. I've been an orphan since the day I was born. I've been to 12 different foster families. I've been raped and beaten so many times I can't even remember. So yea I lost my virginity at age 10. I couldn't move for 2 weeks. It hurt so bad.

Izzy is my roommate. She is 10 and she is the sweetest girl ever. And she can be a pain in my ass but I love her like my own sister.

I changed into a sweatshirt and jeans. I looked in the mirror and almost threw up.

As you can tell, I hate myself.

Always have and always will.

I brushed my hair to get all the knots out.

I have blonde hair. I have really bright blue eyes and when I'm sad they turn grey... I know weird.

I put my van socks on then my mint green vans on.

I'm in love with my vans. They are my life.

The owner of the orphanage has been there for me my whole life. Whenever I get put in a foster home I come right back here because to be honest this has been my home since forever.

The owner, Jasmine, but I call her Jazzy, is the one who bought me my vans for my 15th birthday. It was the best gift I got in my whole life.

If something ever happened to Jazzy I don't know what id do with my life.

I walked downstairs and into the living room.

I saw Jazzy sitting in the love seat facing me. She was talking to another lady that was on the other couch facing Jazzy.

Jazzy saw me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Good morning honey."

"Morning Jaz"

"Lexi this is Angie Johnson."

I stood there for quite a while.

Izzy was right she did look like me.

She had the same blonde hair as me.

She had my nose.

I was kinda getting creeped out.

She was smiling at me with tears in her eyes.

"Uh hi. I'm Lexi"

I shook her hand to be polite. But thoughts were racing through my mind.

Is this who I think it is?

"I know who you are Lexi."

"Yea but it seems I don't know you..."

"Oh you do" she sighed.

I started to get anxiety.

What if she is who I think she is?

"Lexi... I'm your mother."

That's all I heard before everything went black....


Hi so this is my new Fanfiction! I hope you guys like it. I will be updating soon. Bye!

Unknown Sister // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now